Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939 de Volker Ullrich

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José Luis
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Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939 de Volker Ullrich

Mensaje por José Luis » Dom Dic 18, 2016 8:32 am

¡Hola a todos!

No he tenido la oportunidad de leer esta reciente biografía de Hitler a cargo del historiador y periodista Volker Ullrich, de la cual he leído, sin embargo, muy elogiosas críticas. El libro fue publicado orginalmente en Alemania en 2013 por la editorial S. Fischer Verlag GmbH de Frankfurt am Mein con el título de Adolf Hitler. Biographie, Bd. 1: Die Jahre des Aufstiegs 1889 - 1939. De lo que se infiere que Ullrich estará ocupado actualmente con la escritura de la segunda parte de esta biografía.

Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939 es un volumen extenso (1008 páginas) (1088 en el original alemán) publicado este año 2016 por la editorial neoyorquina Alfred A. Knopf, traducido excelentemente al inglés (según las críticas) por Jefferson Chase. Está ampliamente anotado, con casi 200 páginas.

He leído una reseña que me parece digna para abrir este hilo, a la espera de que pueda continuarse más adelante con reseñas de posibles lectores usuarios del foro. La reseña es del periodista Neal Ascherson (sobre la versión publicada por la editorial londinense Bodley Head) y la traducción de la misma a cargo de Luis Gago:

http://www.revistadelibros.com/discusio ... er-ullrich

La reseña original en inglés se publicó en la London Review of Books, Vol.38 No. 11 (2 June 2016), pp. 23-24 y está disponible en:

http://www.lrb.co.uk/v38/n11/neal-asche ... s-matchbox

Saludos cordiales
"Dioses, no me juzguéis como un dios
sino como un hombre
a quien ha destrozado el mar" (Plegaria fenicia)

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Registrado: Mié Jun 15, 2005 9:38 pm
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Re: Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939 de Volker Ullrich

Mensaje por Chuikov » Lun Dic 19, 2016 10:56 am

Buenos días,

qué grandísimo medio es revistadelibros. Precisamente en El País de ayer domingo venía un artículo de una página sobre esta publicación, escrito por Luis Doncel:

http://cultura.elpais.com/cultura/2016/ ... 06913.html


Carpe Diem

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David L
Mensajes: 2382
Registrado: Mar Oct 11, 2005 4:23 am

Re: Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939 de Volker Ullrich

Mensaje por David L » Lun Dic 19, 2016 9:14 pm

Sé que en francés sale a la venta a principios de enero, hace ya un tiempo que le tengo echado el ojo a esta biografía.....no sé si atreverme con ella en inglés. Gracias por el enlace, coincido con Chuikov: la web revistadelibros es magnífica.

Os dieron a elegir entre el deshonor y la guerra... elegisteis el deshonor y tendréis la guerra.

Winston Churchill a Chamberlain.

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José Luis
Mensajes: 9932
Registrado: Sab Jun 11, 2005 3:06 am
Ubicación: España

Re: Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939 de Volker Ullrich

Mensaje por José Luis » Mié Dic 21, 2016 9:11 am

¡Hola a todos!

Al final me hecho con el libro y espero leerlo cuando tenga tiempo y tranquilidad. Pero quiero adelantar mis impresiones sobre la lectura de la introducción.

Los motivos principales que han llevado a Ullrich a emprender esta nueva biografía de Hitler son dos: el primero viene dado por la publicación de una copiosa literatura sobre Hitler después de que Kershaw (el último gran biógrafo de Hitler [Ullrich cita a 4 grandes; Heiden, Bullock, Fest y Kershaw]) finalizó su voluminosa biografía de Hitler, publicada por vez primera en 1998. Y ciertamente es extensa. Ullrich la incluye en la sección bibliográfica, pero la detalla en la nota 31 del capítulo de la introducción. La incluiré al final de esta intervención. El segundo motivo con el que Ullrich justifica su trabajo se basa en su intento de poner a prueba, en realidad desafiar, algunas de las características que la literatura biográfica ha atribuido a Hitler. Por ejemplo, la imagen que se ha trasladado del dictador ´"básicamente como una persona ordinaria con limitados horizontes intelectuales y habilidades sociales gravente restringidas". Expresa Ullrich que Kershaw, como la mayoría los biógrafos que le precedieron, atribuye a Hitler como único talento "su habilidad para excitar los instintos básicos de las masas". Sin embargo, Ullrich afirma que Hitler no sólo era un excelente demagogo, sino que también era un actor excelentemente dotado, un maestro en el arte de mostrarse bajo diferentes máscaras y roles. "El arte con el que Hitler fue capaz de ocultar sus intenciones reales tanto a amigos como enemigos fue la otra clave principal de su éxito como político", afirma Ullrich.

El otro gran desafío versa sobre el cliché, según Ullrich, que presenta a Hitler como un personaje carente de vida privada. Permitidme copiar literalmente:

Another cliché holds that Hitler’s personal life outside politics was completely irrelevant—indeed, that the Führer didn’t have a genuine private life. Even his first biographer Heiden wrote that Hitler was a demagogue who could only connect with people en masse and lacked the “courage” to have a private life. Bullock characterised him as an uprooted individual without a home or a family, while Fest described “a human void around [Hitler],” simply dismissing the idea of his having personal relationships. Kershaw expanded on this thesis, arguing that Hitler was entirely consumed by his role as Führer. “Hitler’s private life was his life as a political creature. If you take away the political, little to nothing remains,” the historian told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung when the first volume of his biography appeared. “In a sense, he was an empty shell.” Not surprisingly the leading exponent of structuralist German history, Hans Mommsen, also favoured this interpretation, writing that there was actually no private sphere whatsoever behind Hitler’s public appearances—a striking example of how the mythology surrounding the Führer has influenced the writing of history.

This book will attempt to correct that picture and show that the putative void in Hitler’s non-political existence is a myth. In a sense, previous biographers have fallen for the role Hitler played best, the one that concealed his private life and cast him as someone who had renounced all personal relations to devote himself to “Volk and Reich.” The chapters concerning Hitler’s relationships with women and the circles he entertained at his country house in Bavaria will show how little the cliché of the impersonal Führer corresponds to reality. Hitler’s private life was in fact far more varied than many of his contemporaries and later historians imagined. It is untrue that he was fundamentally incapable of having personal relationships. Characteristically, however, he made no clear distinction between political and private spheres: for him the two were unusually intertwined. This realisation sheds new light on Hitler’s specific style of rule.

Este punto -en torno a que Hitler, más allá de la política, carecía de vida privada- es interesante (ponerlo a prueba), aunque tengo para mí que será difícilmente penetrable argüir en contra. En mi opinión es difícil hablar de la vida privada de una persona que carece de amigos. Entiéndaseme bien, toda amistad, para ser genuina, requiere un grado de sinceridad que estaba ausente en Hitler. Si Hitler era, y en esto coincido con Ullrich, un excelente actor, además de demagogo, capaz de ocultar sus verdaderas intenciones a amigos y enemigos, el producto resultante de esta combinación de factores es la insinceridad. Parece difícil conceder a un actor-demagogo falto de sinceridad una vida privada tal como la conocen o entienden la mayoría las personas. Conocer realmente a una persona del todo insincera resulta, ciertamente, difícil. El dictador Francisco Franco es otro ejemplo, mutatis mutandis. Quizá las pinceladas más auténticas que tenemos de Hitler y la amistad (en todo caso un Hitler jovencito) son las que ofreció el que parece fue su único amigo, August Kubizek, en su Adolf Hitler, mein Jugendfreund, sin olvidar que pertenecen a una etapa histórica en la que Hitler era ciertamente un don nadie.

Sea como fuere, habrá que leer los argumentos de Ullrich para valorar esta tesis.

En cuanto a la nota 31, creo interesante detallarla aquí. La dejo en su original inglés pues estimo no es necesario traducirla (la negrita mía por ser fuentes primarias):

Numerous books have been published that provide new insight into Hitler’s personality and certain phases of his life—or at least promise to do so—the complete titles of which can be found in the bibliography. Claudia Schmölders’ “physiognomic biography,” Hitlers Gesicht (2000); Lothar Machtan’s controversial revelatory study about Hitler’s alleged homosexuality, Hitlers Geheimnis (2001); Birgit Schwarz’s ground-breaking work about Hitler’s views on art, Geniewahn: Hitler und die Kunst (2009); Timothy W. Ryback’s research into Hitler’s library and his reading habits, Hitler’s Private Library (2009); Dirk Bavendamm’s portrayal of his early years, Der junge Hitler (2009); Thomas Weber’s investigation into Hitler’s experiences in the First World War, Hitler’s First War (2010); Ralf Georg Reuth’s attempt to explain the origins of Hitler’s anti-Semitism, Hitlers Judenhass (2009); Othmar Plöckinger’s path-breaking studies aboutpath-breaking studies about Hitler’s “formative years” in Munich from 1918 to 1920 (2013) and the history of Mein Kampf (2006); Ludolf Herbst’s thesis about the creation of a German messiah, Hitlers Charisma (2010); Mathias Rösch’s examination of Die Münchner NSDAP 1925–1933 (2002); Andreas Heusler’s history of the Brown House, Wie München zur “Hauptstadt der Bewegung” wurde (2008); and Sven Felix Kellerhoff’s and Thomas Friedrich’s investigation into Hitler’s relationship with the capital, Hitlers Berlin (2003) and Die missbrauchte Hauptstadt (2007). Hitler’s private life too has attracted increased attention over the last decade, from Anton Joachimsthaler’s documentation Hitlers Liste (2003), which attempts to shed light on his personal relationships by investigating the list of gifts presented by Hitler in 1935/6, to Brigitte Hamann’s research into Hitler’s relationship with the Wagner family, Winifred Wagner und Hitlers Bayreuth (2002) and with the Linz doctor Eduard Bloch, Hitlers Edeljude (2008); Wolfgang Martynkewicz’s portrait of Munich publishers and early Hitler supporters Hugo und Elsa Bruckmann, Salon Deutschland (2009); Anna Maria Sigmund’s reconstruction of the triangular relationship between Hitler, his niece Geli Raubal and his driver Emil Maurice, Des Führers bester Freund (2003); to Heike B. Görtemaker’s meticulously researched biography, Eva Braun: Ein Leben mit Hitler (2010), which explodes numerous myths surrounding the Führer’s lover. In addition, we have Ulf Schmidt’s medical-historical study, Hitlers Arzt Karl Brandt (2009), Jürgen Trimborn’s studies on Hitler’s favourite sculptor, Arno Breker: Der Künstler und die Macht (2011) and his star director, Leni Riefenstahl: Eine deutsche Karriere (2002); Karin Wieland’s dual biography, Dietrich & Riefenstahl: Der Traum von der neuen Frau (2011); and Timo Nüsslein’s portrait of Hitler’s first architect, Paul Ludwig Troost, 1878 –1934 (2012). At the same time a wealth of biographies has been published of leading figures in the Weimar Republic and the Nazi regime, which also shed light on Hitler and his rule. These include Wolfram Pyta’s broad canvas, Hindenburg: Herrschaft zwischen Hohenzollern und Hitler (2007), as well as Stefan Krings on Hitler’s press spokesman Otto Dietrich (2010); Ernst Piper on Hitler’s chief ideologue Alfred Rosenberg (2005); Robert Gerwarth on the head of the Reich Security Main Office, Reinhard Heydrich (2011); Dieter Schenk on Hitler’s chief lawyer and later general governor of occupied Poland, Hans Frank (2006); Hans Otto Eglau on Hitler’s sponsor, the industrialist Fritz Thyssen (2003); Christopher Kopper on Hitler’s banker, Hjalmar Schacht (2006); Kirstin A. Schäfer on “Hitlers first field marshal,” Werner von Blomberg (2006); Klaus-Jürgen Müller on Major-General Ludwig Beck (2008); and Johannes Leicht on Heinrich Class, chairman of the Pan-Germanic League. In addition there have been numerous monographs and essays on particular aspects of the Third Reich, which have enriched our understanding of the foundation and functioning of the Nazi Regime. I shall mention here only Götz Aly’s provocative study Hitlers Volksstaat (2005); Adam Tooze’s history of the Nazi economy, The Wages of Destruction (2007); Wolfgang König’s investigation of the National Socialist consumer society, Volkswagen, Volksempfänger, Volksgemeinschaft (2004); Markus Urban’s portrayal of the party rallies, Die Konsensfabrik (2007); the surprise bestseller by Eckart Conze, Norbert Frei, Peter Hayes und Moshe Zimmermann about the history of the Foreign Office, Das Amt und die Vergangenheit (2010); Frank Bajohr’s enlightening research into corruption in the Nazi era, Parvenüs und Profiteure (2001); and Michael Wildt’s ground-breaking investigations into the leadership of the Reich Security Main Office, Generation des Unbedingten (2002) and the violence directed against Jews in the German provinces, Volksgemeinschaft als Selbstermächtigung (2007). The concept of Volksgemeinschaft (ethnic community) in particular has been debated extensively by historians in recent years. It is therefore not surprising that the German Historical Museum in 2010 showed an exhibition on the connection between ethnic community and crime; the exhibition catalogue, edited by Hans-Ulrich Thamer and Simone Erpel, was published as Hitler und die Deutschen: Volksgemeinschaft und Verbrechen. On the concept of Volksgemeinschaft see also the collection of essays edited by Frank Bajohr and Michael Wildt, Volksgemeinschaft: Neue Forschungen zur Gesellschaft des Nationalsozialismus (2009). Last but not least, with his trilogy The Coming of the Third Reich (2004), The Third Reich in Power (2006) and The Third Reich at War (2009), the British historian Richard J. Evans has given us the most comprehensive history of National Socialism to date, which deserves to be called the standard work on the subject.

One of the main sources for the present volume was the 1980 volume of Hitler’s collected notes, Sämtliche Aufzeichnungen 1905–1924, ed. Eberhard Jäckel and Axel Kuhn, and the subsequent 13-volume edition of Hitler’s speeches, writings and decrees, Reden, Schriften, Anordnungen—1925–1933, completed by the Munich Institute for Contemporary History in 2003. Both editions demonstrate conclusively how early Hitler’s obsessive world view developed and how consistent it remained; see Wolfram Pyta, “Die Hitler-Edition des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte,” Historische Zeitschrift, 281 (2005), pp. 383–94. It would be welcome if the Institute were to bring out a likewise thoroughly edited volume of direct Hitler source material for the period 1933–1945. Until that happens, historians will have to rely on Max Domarus’s collection of Hitler’s speeches and proclamations, Reden und Proklamationen, which is less than satisfactory in a number of respects. Particularly crucial for the present volume were the files of Reich Chancellery, published by the Historical Commission of the Bavarian Sciences together with the German Federal Archive as Akten der Reichskanzlei: Die Regierung Hitler. Kershaw had no access to vols. 2–6, edited by Friedrich Hartmannsgruber and covering the years 1934 to 1939, which appeared between 1999 and 2012. One major source, which has never been fully analysed, are the diaries of Joseph Goebbels, edited by Elke Fröhlich and commissioned by the Munich Institute for Contemporary History. They have only been available to scholars since 2006. Although stylised and written with an eye towards posterity, the diaries, given the proximity of Goebbels to his Führer, contain important insights into Hitler’s thinking and motivation. They also yield a surprisingly vivid depiction of Hitler the private person. On the value of the diaries as historical source material see Angela Hermann, Der Weg in den Krieg 1938/39. Studien zu den Tagebüchern von Joseph Goebbels, Munich 2011, pp. 1–11. For criticism of the Munich edition, albeit exaggerated, see Bernd Sösemann, Alles nur Propaganda? Untersuchungen zur revidierten Ausgabe der sogenannten Goebbels-Tagebücher des Münchner Imstituts für Zeitgeschichte, in Jahrbuch der Kommu​nikat​ionsf​orschung, 10 (2008), pp. 52–76. Just as valuable a source as the writings of Hitler’s allies are those of his contemporaries in general, both admirers and detractors. The latter category includes Thomas Mann, Victor Klemperer, Thea Sternheim, Theodor Heuss, Sebastian Haffner and Count Harry Kessler, whose diaries only appeared in their entirety with the publication in 2010 of vol. 9, covering the period 1926–1937. Another important source are the reports made by foreign diplomats from ten different countries published by Frank Bajohr und Christoph Strupp of the Hamburg Institute for Contemporary History in 2011 under the title Fremde Blicke auf das “Dritte Reich.”

In addition to consulting published source material the author also carried out substantial research of his own at the Federal Archive Berlin-Lichterfelde, the Federal Archive Koblenz, the Munich Institute for Contemporary History, the main Bavarian State Archive and the Bavarian State Library in Munich, and the Swiss Federal Archive in Bern. The author was surprised how much there was still to discover there, even though Hitler’s life is considered one of the most thoroughly researched subjects in history.

Saludos cordiales
"Dioses, no me juzguéis como un dios
sino como un hombre
a quien ha destrozado el mar" (Plegaria fenicia)

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David L
Mensajes: 2382
Registrado: Mar Oct 11, 2005 4:23 am

Re: Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939 de Volker Ullrich

Mensaje por David L » Dom Ene 08, 2017 9:57 pm

Ya tengo en mi poder una edición en inglés del volumen I de la biografía de Hitler escrita por Volker Ulrich, son casi 800 páginas de texto más 200 de notas y sus correspondientes fuentes. Impresionante el libro, ahora tocará ponerse manos a la obra y decidirme a leerlo.

Os dieron a elegir entre el deshonor y la guerra... elegisteis el deshonor y tendréis la guerra.

Winston Churchill a Chamberlain.


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