Richard Gluecks

Todos los personajes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial

Moderadores: José Luis, Audie Murphy


Richard Gluecks

Mensaje por maximus » Vie Mar 03, 2006 7:49 am

el nombre del general Gluecks surge siempre que se lee acerca de la organización de la Shoah. Era nada menos que el organizador directo de la matanza, en tanto que supervisor de los campos de exterminio. Eichmann se encargaba de coordinar el arresto y transporte, y Gluecks se encargaba de que fuesen asesinados al llegar a su destino.
yo leí su nombre la primera vez en la novela ODESSA, en la que se le presenta hacia 1963 como el segundo jefe de la supuesta organización de antiguos nazis (siendo el número uno, Martin Bormann)

todo parece indicar que en realidad Bormann falleció en Berlin en los últimos días y su cuerpo fue arrojado a una fosa común, de donde parece ser que sus restos fueron finalmente identificados muchos años después.

Lo curioso es que, buscando el otro día a Richard Gluecks en la red, me he encontrado con, entre otros, estos dos textos:

Richard Gluecks- Richard Gluecks, a former artillery officer in World War I, joined the National Socialist German Workers’ Party in its early days. In 1936, he was assigned to the staff of Theodor Eicke, the first inspector of concentration camps. Gluecks became lieutenant general in the Waffen-S, and then succeeded Theodor Eicke as head of the concentration camp inspectorate. On February 21, 1940, Gluecks reported to Heinrich Himmler that Austria was a suitable site for a new quarantine camp. More than two million victims were murdered in this camp. Gluecks was last seen in early May 1945 at a naval hospital near Flensburg at the Danish border, where he was being treated for shock after an Allied air bombardment.

Richard GLUECKS: Gruppenführer SS. Head of Amtsgruppe D. in W.V.H.A. Inspector General of concentration camps. Charged as a war criminal. (Committed suicide after the capitulation of Germany to avoid trial.)

¿Alguien puede dar datos más exactos acerca de esta... ejem... persona?

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José Luis
Mensajes: 9944
Registrado: Sab Jun 11, 2005 3:06 am
Ubicación: España

Mensaje por José Luis » Vie Mar 03, 2006 1:37 pm

"Dioses, no me juzguéis como un dios
sino como un hombre
a quien ha destrozado el mar" (Plegaria fenicia)


Mensaje por maximus » Vie Mar 03, 2006 4:57 pm

Gracias, José Luis, copio aquí los dos textos más significativos. A lo que parece, pues, es lo más probable que Gluecks muriera también al fin de la guerra, aunque quedó una "duda razonable".

When the WVHA offices in Berlin were destroyed by allied bombing on April 16, 1945, the WVHA was moved to Born on Darß in Nordvorpommern on the Baltic sea. Owing to the advances of the Russian forces, Glücks and his wife fled to Flensburg at the end of April. It is known that Glücks met Himmler a last time there. After the capitulation of Germany, he committed suicide on May 10, 1945 by swallowing a capsule of potassium cyanide at the Mürwik naval base in Flensburg. There are those who say there is little evidence of this in the way of official records or photos, and further confuse the issue by suggesting "he escaped in the same manner of other Nazis such as Franz Rademacher and Odilo Globocnik" but see the article on Odilo Globocnik for the reference on forgeries in that case.

10 May 1945, claimed to be in Murwik hospital using the alias SONNEMAN (sic). A death certificate was issued for Glücks giving suicide ("Vergiftung durch Cyankali") at 1500 hrs
on 10 May 1945 signed by Dr Lorentzen, Marineoberstabsarzt, Teillazarett Trampedachlager; place of death given as Marinelazarett Murwik II. Glücks' personal belongings were removed from the hospital by a SS-Stubaf Ecklemann described as "Financechief of the VDA" and within days interned at 6 CIC (Neuengamme).
War crimes investigators ordered the exhumation of "The grave that was supposedly containing the body of GLUECKS and it was discovered without doubt that the remains in the grave were not those of GLUECKS." Lorentzen was arrested and held at Military Government Jail at Bad Segeberg.
However, an "Abschrift! Todesbescheinigung" with the above details of death were confirmed in Flensburg-Murwik on 10 September 1945 with "Die Richtigkeit der Abschrift bescheinigt".
Maybe they dug up the wrong grave but that isn't mentioned in the file.


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