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Publicado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 7:28 pm
por Internesto
Pongo a vuestra disposición, unos documentos que el US ARMY confeccionó durante la guerra, tratando diversos temas.

Creo que tienen un alto valor histórico. Hasta los años 80 eran considerados "restringidos", pero finalmente fueron desclasificados. Son digitalizaciones de los documentos originales.

Hay varias perlas que no tienen desperdicio, como la serie "SPECIAL SERIES", donde desmenuzan la Wehrmacht casi al completo.

Para los que dominan más internet, aquí está el enlace (entrad en military publications) http://www.ahco.army.mil:8080/site/index.jsp

Este el indice de la SPECIAL SERIES ( hasta el no. 18 )

Special Series deals with subjects requiring comprehensive,
monographic treatment. The primary consideration in selecting
topics has been to disseminate information of immediate applicability.
based on the best available sources. In addition to much
hitherto unpublished material, information previously disseminated
in brief or tentative forms in MID periodicals and bulletins
is combined with new material on the same subject when exhaustive
treatment of that subject is necessary. All issues are classified
"Restricted," except Nos. 12 and 13 ("Not To Be Published") and
Nos. 15 and 17 ("Confidential").

No. 1, British Commandos 9 Aug 42. Data on the origin, organization,
training, equipment, and operations of British Commandos; information
on similar companies in Australia and New Zealand; British lessons
from Commando operations. Tables, maps, iv+138 pp.

No. 2, The German Armored Army 10 Aug 42. Based on a study made by
the French General Staff immediately after the Armistice; lessons
learned by the French; basic principles of employment of an armored
army; development and organization of German mechanized and armlored
units; offensive and defensive tactics. vi+34 pp. (NO DISPONIBLE)

No. 3, German Military Training 18 Sep 42. Methods used in training men
and officers of the German Army; training of German youth and the
work of the SA (storm troopers); personnel procurement; training;
stnadards for officers; general principles of leadership. Appendices
include information on maneuvers, field exercises, and the training of
umpires and rifle squads. v+106 pp.

No. 4, The German Motorized Infantry Regiment 17 Oct 42. Translation of
a captured German field manuial on the tactics of the motorized infantry
regiment when used as a part of the German armnored division; includes
transportation and supply. Appendices include ta:bular information on
the motorized infantry regiment. Illus., tables, viii +61 pp.

No. 5, The Development of German Defensive Tactics in Cyrenaica-194I 16 Oct 42.
German defensive doctrine and its application in the Libyan
campaigns; comments and lessons. Illus., maps, vi+60 pp.

No. 6, Artillery in the Desert 25 Nov 42. Artillery in desert warfare, based
on reports of the Libyan Campaign; German, Italian, and British units
engaged in the fighting; enemy and British equipment; German, Italian,
and British tactics; antitank operations; smoke; and supply methods.
Appendices include a translation of captured German documients on the
effective range of German antitank weapons, tables of cllaracteristics
of German and Italian artillery, andl (hGerman artillery organizaltion
charts. Illus., tables, map x+±112 pp.

No. 7, Enemy Air-Borne Forces 2 Dec 42. An introductory account of the
development of airborne, air-landing, glider-b)ornle, an(d I)arac(llte troops
by the Germans, Italians, and Japanese; historical sketch of airborne
operations in World War II; German i)arachute troops, gliderborne
developments, and airborne transport ; Italian airborne forces; Japanese
airborne forces; general conclusions relating to enemy airborne tactics.
Appendices include details on the German 5th Parachute Regiment, German
parachutes, and the dropping of German arms containers. Illus.,
tables, viii+104 pp.

No. 8, German Tactical Doctrine 20 Dec. 42. RItsume of military doctrines
taught at the Kriegsakademie, the German General Staff School: position
of the commander, duties of the staff, terrain estimation, concealment,
combat intelligence, principles of communication, estimate of the
situation, troop dispositions, field orders, marches, the attack, the
defense, the delaying action, retirement, and employment of field artillery.
Sample German orders are included in an appendix. Illus.,
viii+86 pp.

No. 9, The German Squad in Combat 25 Jan 43. Training of the squad as
described in data from German training documents; organization and
formations; combat methods; squad exercises. Illus., x+118 pp. (NO DISPONIBLE)

No. 10, German Antiaircraft Artillery 8 Feb 43. German antiaircraft artillery;
organization; weapons; equipment; use with field forces; use in
defense of Germany and rear areas. Illus., tables, ix+107 pp.

No. 11, Morale-Building Activities in Foreign Armies 15 AMar 43. Programs
used by German, Japanese, Italian, Soviet, and British Armies in
building morale; administrative factors; special procedures. Illus.,
vi+59 pp. (NO DISPONIBLE)

No. 12, German Military Abbreviations (N. T. B. P.) 12 Apr 43. German
military abbreviations with their equivalents in German and English.
iii+246 pp.

No. 13, British Military Terminology (N. T. B. P.) 15 May 43. U. S. military
terms and definitions with British equivalents; British military
tenrms with U. S. equivalents; Royal Air Force terms; differences between
British English and American English; vocabulary of the most common
nonmilitary terms; military abbreviations. Appendices include information
on classification of documents; British map systems; standard
procedures for transmitting messages: conversion tables for currency,
weights, and measures. Illus., tables vi+210 pp.
(A supplement entitled Provisional Supplement to MIS Special Series,
No. 13 (17 pp.) was prepared under the auspices of the Joint Intelligence
Comrnmittee.) (NO DISPONIBLE)

No. 14, German Infantry Weapons 25 May 43. Weapons and ammunition
used in the standard German infantry regiment with data and illustrations
to enable the U. S. troops to identify and operate them; glossary
of terms; abbreviations. Illus., tables, xii+190 pp.
No. IF, Armement de l'infanterie allemande 16 Aug 43. Frenchl translation
of Special Series, No. 14. Illus., tables, xi+171 pp.

No. 15, German Coastal Defenses 15 Jan 43. Gernmn coastal defenses;
pattern of defenses; naval responsibility; Siebel ferries; harbo'r and beach
obstacles; fortifications. Illus., vi+89 pp.

No. 16, Enemy Capabilities for Chemical Warfare 15 Jul 43. Estimate of
the capabilities of the Axis powers to wage chemical warfare; chemical
troops; offensive weapons; defensive equipment; civilian protection.
A discussion of area smoke screening is included in an appendix. Illus.,
tables, xiii+±156 pp.

No. 17, German Doctrine of the Stabilized Front 15 Aug 43. German doctrine
relating to the stabilized front, particularly zones of modern, pernlanent
fortifications; design of such fortifications to facilitate offensive
warfare; a study of Germalli fortified systems, and a detailed, illustrated
discussion of the West Wall. Illus., tables, maps, ix-141 pp.

No. 18, German Winter Warfare 15 Iec. 43. Edited translation of a German
manual containing sections on effects of winter conditions on combat
and morale; marches and orientation: roads; railway movement;
bivoualcs and shelter; construction of winter positions; heating; camouflage;
protection of person; rations: health measures; evacuation of
wounded; care and use of weapons tild eqluil)ment; signal conmmunication;
skis, snowshoes, and snow vehicles. Illus., tables xx+215 pp

Publicado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 7:54 pm
por Internesto

Enlace al Special Series no. 1 - British commandos


Publicado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 9:19 pm
por Internesto

Enlace al Special series no. 3 - German military training


Publicado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 9:28 pm
por Internesto

Enlace al Special series no. 5 - The Development of German Defensive Tactics in Cyrenaica - 1941


Publicado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 9:40 pm
por Internesto

Enlace al Special series no. 7 - Enemy air-borne forces


Publicado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 9:45 pm
por Internesto

Enlace al Special series no. 8 - German tactical doctrine


Publicado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 9:56 pm
por Internesto

Enlace al Special series no. 10 - German antiaircraft artillery

http://download.mercury.come2store.com/ ... sto/10.pdf

Publicado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 10:00 pm
por Internesto

Enlace al Special series no. 12 - German military abbreviations

http://download.mercury.come2store.com/ ... sto/12.pdf

Publicado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 11:07 pm
por Internesto
Bueno, el número 12 se me resiste a entrar en el servidor. Igual lo he dejado medio KO después de subirle tanto fichero :lol: :lol: :lol:

Otro día arreglo el enlace y sigo todo lo que me deje el servidor je je je

Un saludo a todos

Publicado: Jue Oct 27, 2005 7:06 am
por Internesto
Vaya, el servidor debe estar petadísimo :x :x :x porque no me deja entrar en mi cuenta y ni mucho menos subir nada.

De todas formas, para quien quiera descargarse estos documentos directamente, vuelvo a dejar el enlace:



y cuando entréis en la página donde sale el nombre del documento, el icono amarillo te abrirá el pdf.

Un saludo a todos

Publicado: Jue Ene 26, 2006 12:33 pm
por Rodrigo
Impresionante que nadia aún te agradezca este enlace... yo me he descargado todos los del ejercito alemán y me he leido la mitad de los PDF... realmente este enlace no tiene precio!

Lastima para los que no pueden leerlo en ingles, pero realmente es una joya la documentación disponible aqui.

Muchas gracias por el enlace.