El proyecto Germania

La vida cotidiana en la Alemania del Reich

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El proyecto Germania

Mensaje por Paradise Lost » Mié Nov 16, 2005 5:48 am

Hola a todos,
Después de ver la película de "Der Untergang" me entró curiosidad por saber como era el proyecto que encargó Hitler a Albert Speer, para convertir Berlín en la fastuosa capital del III Reich.
Ahí van unos datos:

La idea era convertir Berlín, en 1950, en una gran metrópolis llamada "Germania", mucho más opulenta que París y Viena. El encargado sería Albert Speer.
El proyecto, constaba con una gigantesta avenida al estilo Campos Elíseos, de 7 kilómetros de largo, con un gran arco de 80 metros de altura, y una sala de reuniones, con una cúpula de 250 metros de diámetro y 290 de altura, coronada por una gran águila, y que podía haber reunido a 180.000 personas, todo ello basado en el clasicismo. Speer ya había realizado antes el estadio de Nuremberg y la nueva Cancillería.

Germania también contaría con una nueva estación de ferrocarril en el Sur, más grande que la de Nueva York, y con 400 metros de fachada.

Los planes totales eran de 25 millones de metros cúbicos de área edificada, con un coste total de 321 millones de marcos del Reich del 43.
Algunas de estas cifras baílan según las fuentes, pero más o menos es para que os hagáis una idea.

Maqueta del proyecto Germania

Simulación 3D de Berlín con los nuevos edificios de Germania

Vista desde el arco triunfal diseñado por Hitler. Impresionante.

El monstruoso edificio al lado de la puerta de Brandenburgo, que de por sí no es nada pequeña.

Detalle de la maqueta de Germania.

Más información en:


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Mensaje por Eckart » Mié Nov 16, 2005 7:20 am

Verdaderamente, un proyecto magnífico. Dejo algunas imágenes más:






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Mensaje por WHA » Mié Nov 16, 2005 3:57 pm

Gigantismo!! :D

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Mensaje por FALLSCHIRMJÄGER » Mié Nov 16, 2005 4:51 pm

Impresionante. Imagino que este proyecto no necesitaba licencia de obras, cualquiera se la pide.

Buenas fotos Eckart y Paradise.

"La guerra es un juego serio en el que uno compromete su reputación, sus tropas y su patria." - Napoleón Bonaparte -

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Mensaje por Francis Currey » Dom Dic 04, 2005 5:21 pm

Berlin's reshaping

In Mein Kampf (1.10), Hilter states that industrialized German cities of his day lacked dominating public monuments and a central focus for community life. In fact, adverse criticism of the rapid industrialization, of German cities after 1870 had already been voiced by other critiques

The ideal Nazi city was not to be too large, since it was to reflect pre-industrial values and its state monuments, the products and symbols of collective effort (Gr.Gemeinschaftsarbeiten), were to be given maximum prominence by being centrally situated in the new and reshaped cities of the enlarged Reich.

Hitler's comments in Mein Kampf (1.10) indicated that he saw buildings such as the Colosseum and the Circus Maximus as symbols of the political might and power of the Roman people. Hitler stated, "Architecture is not only the spoken word in stone, it is the expression of the faith and conviction of a community, or else it signifies the power, greatness and fame of a great man or ruler." In Hitler's cultural address, "The Buildings of the Third Reich," delivered in September 1937, in Nuremburg, he affirmed that the new buildings of the Reich were to reinforce the authority of the Nazi party and the state and at the same time provide "gigantic evidence of the community" (Gr. gigantischen Zeugen unserer Gemeinschaft). The architectural evidence of this authority could already be seen in Nuremberg, Munich and Berlin and would become still more evident when more plans had been put into effect.

On September 19, 1933, Hitler told the mayor of Berlin that his city was "unsystematic", but it was not until January 30, 1937, that Speer was officially put in charge of plans for the reshaping of Berlin, although he had been working on them unofficially in 1936.

The order for the reshaping of other German cities was signed by Hitler on October 4, 1937. The plan that Speer coordinated as 'Inspector General of Construction' (GBI) for the centre of Berlin (Fig. 1) was based on Roman, not Greek, planning principles, which might or might not have been influenced by Roman-derived town plans in Fascist Italy. Speer's plan was to create a central north-south axis, which was to join the major east-west axis at right angles. On the north side of the junction a massive forum of about 35 hectares was planned, around which were to be situated buildings of the greatest political and physical dimensions: a vast domed Volkshalle on the north side, Hilter's vast new palace and chancellery on the west side and part of the south front and on the east side now-dwarfed the pre-Nazi Reichstag and the new High Command of the German armed forces (Fig. 2). These buildings placed in strong axial relationship around the forum designed to contain one million people were collectively to represent the "maiestas imperii" (The Majesty of the Empire) and make the new world capital, Germania, outshine its only avowed rival, Rome. The plan for the centre of Berlin differed only in its dimensions from the plans drawn up for the reshaping of smaller German cities and for the establishment of new towns in conquered territories.

The new community buildings were not to be randomly cited in town, but were to have prominent (usually central) positions within the town plan. The clarity, order and objectivity that Hitler aimed at in the layout of his towns and buildings were to be achieved in conquered territories in the East by founding new colonies and in Germany itself by reshaping the centres of already established towns and cities (Taylor 250-269). In order to provide a town with centrally located community centres, principles of town planning reminiscent of Greek, but more especially Roman, methods were revived (Scobie 41).

Nazi architecture was also both in appearance and symbolically intimidating, an instrument of conquest; total architecture was an extension of total war (Lehmann-Haupt 111). Speer wrote in 1978 "My architecture represented an intimidating display of power."

The colossal dimensions of Roman and Nazi buildings also served to emphasize the insignificance of the individual engulfed in the architectural vastness of a state building. The philosopher Jean-Jacques_Rousseau's reactions on visiting the Pont du Gard in 1737 produced in him the response that Hitler hoped for Berlin, to impress with its grandeur.

Fuente: http://www.answers.com/topic/nazi-architecture

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Mensaje por Kurt_Steiner » Dom Dic 04, 2005 6:20 pm

Sobre este tema recomiendo la lectura del libro de Frederick Spotts "Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics".

Os habéis fijado en una de las particularidades del proyecto de Hitler?

Todo estaba diseñado con respecto a otros diseños, para superarlos. Por ejemplo: el Arco de Triumfo de Hitler era cuarenta y ocho veces más grande que el de París; la Avenida de la Victoria de Speer hubiera sido dos veces y media más larga que los Campos Elíseos de Paris. Curioso, ¿no os parece?

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Mensaje por hawat » Lun Dic 05, 2005 1:23 am






Señores,por poner algunos ejemplos esto es innovar. Lo de Hitler y Speer era megalomanía neoclasica de un gusto horrible. Hacer un edificio mas grande no es hacerlo mejor ni mas bello. Se trataba sencillamente de arquitectura psicológica, con el objetivo de impresiona y hacer sentir el "poder del Reich" a base de dimensiones desmesuradas. Me parece que es por eso que le gustóa a Goebbles, (Y a Adolfo)...

Los únicos méritod de Speer como arquitecto, eran que era afecto al partido nazi y el partido lo era a él. Si a alguen le gusta me parece, perofecto, pero a mi me parece bastante malo.
"Hubo un tiempo, no hace mucho, en el que le dimos a este mundo una guerra con la que jamás había soñado..."

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Mensaje por Kurt_Steiner » Mié Dic 07, 2005 5:14 pm

La Volkshalle - 1ª Parte



detalle de la cúpula.

Interior del domo.



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Mensaje por Kurt_Steiner » Mié Dic 07, 2005 8:23 pm

La Volkshalle - 2ª Parte


Aquí puede apreciarse el gigantismo de la Volkshalle comparada con la Puerta de Brandenburgo y el Reichstag.


artíiculo de wikipedia sobre la Volkshalle
The Volkshalle was a huge monumental building planned, but never built, by Adolf Hitler and his architect Albert Speer. The word Volkshalle is German for People's Hall.
The word Volk (roughly, "people") had a particular resonance in Nazi thinking. The term völkisch movement, which has no exact English equivalent, derives from Volk but also implies another worldly and eternal essence. Before the First World War, völkisch thought had developed an attitude to the arts as the German Volk; that is, from an organically linked Aryan or Nordic community racially unpolluted and with its roots in the German soil.

Hitler and Hadrian's Pantheon
Just as Augustus's house on the Palatine was connected to the temple of Apollo, so Hitler's place was to have been connected by a cryptoporticus to the Volkshalle, which filled the entire north side of the forum. This truly enormous building was, according to Albert Speer (Speer, Erinnerungen, 167), inspired by Hadrian's Pantheon, which Hitler visited privately on May 7, 1938. But Hitler's interest in and admiration for the Pantheon predated this visit, since his sketch of the Volkshalle dates from about 1925 (Giesler 325). Giesler records a conversation he had with Hitler in the winter of 1939/40, when Hitler was recalling his 'Roman Impressionism' (German: Römische Impressionen):
Hitler's Sketch Of Volkshalle, 1925

"From the time I experienced this building – no description, picture or photograph did it justice – I became interested in its history […] For a short while I stood in this space (the rotunda) – what majesty! I gazed at the large open oculus and saw the universe and sensed what had given this space the name Pantheon – God and the world are one" (Giesler 30).
Hitler's impressions of the Roman Pantheon were revived when on June 24, 1940; he made a tour of selected buildings in Paris, with the German architects Albert Speer, Hermann Giesler and Arno Breker, including the Pantheon, which seems to have disappointed him. His disappointment is independently recorded by Giesler (Giesler 391) and Breker (Breker 106).
The sketch of the Volkshalle given by Hitler to Speer shows a traditional gabled pronaos supported by ten columns, a shallow rectangular intermediate block and behind it the domes main building (Scobie 110). Giesler notes that the pronaos of the temple in Hitler's sketch is reminiscent of Hadrian's Pantheon and of the style of Friedrich Gilly or Karl Friedrich Schinkel (Giesler 326). However, there was little about Speer's elaboration of the sketch that might be termed Doric, except perhaps for the triglyphs in the entablature (Larsson 79), supported by the geminated red granite columns with their egyptian palm-leaf capitals, previously employed by Speer in the portico outside Hitler's study on the garden side of the new Chancellery (Scobie 110).

Speer's Monster-Building (German: Monsterbau) was to be the capital's most important and impressive building in terms of its size and symbolism. Visually it was to have been the architectural centrepiece of Berlin as the world capital (Welthauptstadt). Its dimensions were so large that it would have dwarfed every other structure in Berlin, including those on the north-south axis itself. The oculus of the building's dome, 46 metres in diameter, would have accommodated the entire rotunda of Hadrian's Pantheon and the dome of St. Peter's Basilica. The dome of the Volkshalle was to rise from a massive granite podium 315 by 315 metres and 74 metres high, to a total inclusive height of 290 metres. The diameter of the dome, 250 metres, was to be exceeded, much to Speer's annoyance, by the diameter of Giesler's new domed railway station at the east end of Munich's east-west axis. It was to be 15 metres greater in diameter than Speer's Volkshalle (Giesler 177).
The resemblance of the Volkshalle to the Pantheon is far more obvious when their interiors are compared. The large niche (50 metres high by 28 metres wide) at the north end of the Volkshalle was to be surfaced with gold mosaic and to enclose an eagle 24 metres high, beneath which was situated Hitler's tribunal. From here he would address 180,000 listeners, some standing in the central round arena, others seated in three concentric tiers of sets crowned by one hundred marble pillars, 24 metres high, which rose to meet the base of the coffered ceiling suspended from steel girders sheathed on the exterior with copper (Speer, Erinnerungen, 168).
The three concentric tiers of seats enclosing a circular arena 140 metres in diameter owe nothing to the Pantheon but resemble the seating arrangements in Ludwig Ruff's Congress Hall at Nuremberg, which was modeled on the Colosseum (Scobie 80). Other features of the Volkshalle's interior are clearly indebted to Hadrian's Pantheon: the coffered dome, the pillared zone, which here is continuous, except where it flanks the huge niche on the north side. The second zone in the Pantheon, consisting of blind windows with intervening pilasters, is represented in Speer's building by a zone above the pillars consisting of uniform, oblong shallow recesses. The coffered dome rests on this zone. The design and size of the external decoration of this Volkshalle, are all exceptional and call for explanations that do not apply to community halls planned for Nazi fora in other German cities (Scobie 114).
The temple like nature of the domed building was not by Speer (Speer, Erinnerungen, 167), who surmised that the building was ultimately intended for the worship of Hitler and his successors, that is, it was to be a dynastic temple/palace complex of the kind Augustus built on the Palatine, where his modest house was connected to the temple of Apollo (Speer, Erinnerungen, 56).
Hitler's aspirations to world domination, already evident from architectural and decorative features of the new Chancellery, are even more clearly expressed here. External symbols suggest that the domed hall was where Hitler as cosmocrator (German: Herr der Welt) would appear before his Herrenvolk: On top of the dome's lantern was an eagle grasping in its claws not the usual swastika but the globe of the Earth (German: Erdball). This combination of eagle and ball was well known in imperial Roman iconography, for example, the restored statue of Claudius holding a ball and eagle in his right hand. The vast dome, on which it rested, as with Hadrian's Pantheon, symbolically represented the vault of the sky spanning Hitler's world empire. The globe on the dome's lantern was enhanced and emphasized by two monumental sculptures by Breker, each 15 metres high, which flanked the north façade of the building: at its west end Atlas supporting the heavens, at its east end Tellus supporting the Earth. Both mythological figures were according to Speer, chosen by Hitler himself (Speer, Erinnerungen, 168). Despite the evidence these overt and largely traditional imperialistic symbols of domination over urbs and orbis, Giesler says that Speer was wrong to represent the Volkshalle as a symbol of World Domination (German: Weltherrschaft). Speer in his Playboy magazine interview states:

"Hitler believed that as centuries passed, his huge domes assembly hall would acquire great holy significance and become a hallowed shrine as important to National Socialism as St. Peters in Rome is to Roman Catholicism. Such cultism was at the root of the entire plan."

However, Giesler's remark that Hitler never made plans for world domination and that to suggest as much is not only nonsense (German: Unsinn) but 'Speer Rubbish' (German: Speerlicher Quatsch), hardly counts as a reasoned refutation of the symbolism of the Volkshalle, which does appear to be a prophetic symbol of Hitler's ultimate ambition (Scobie 116).

Possible Architectural Problems
Although the Volkshalle was never built, critics claimed it might have severe architectural problems, such as acoustics that would (depending on the critic) either make it impossible to hear a speaker, or would magnify the speaker's voice so loud that it might cause deafness.
In an interview with James O'Donnell, Speer said that, during his time in Spandau Prison, he constantly reviewed such criticisms of his architecture, and eliminated (in his opinion) many of them. One problem, however, remained - Speer speculated that during cold weather, the breathing and persperation of 180,000 occupants in such a large and high dome might precipitate and fall back down. In short, it was possible that the hall might cause indoor rain because of its overcapacity

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Mensaje por Kurt_Steiner » Lun Dic 12, 2005 12:17 am

Die Neue Reichskanzlei




Entrada a la Cancillería

Galería de los mosaicos.

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Mensaje por Kurt_Steiner » Lun Dic 12, 2005 12:21 am

Die Neue Reichskanzlei -2-


Galería de marmol.

Galería de marmol.

Oficina de Hitler.

Oficina de Hitler.

Oficina de Hitler.

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Mensaje por Kurt_Steiner » Lun Dic 12, 2005 12:25 am

Die Neue Reichskanzlei -3-

Gabinete ministerial

Gabinete ministerial

Ala administrativa

Fotos procedentes de http://www.dataphone.se/~ms/speer/welcom2.htm

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Mensaje por Eckart » Vie Abr 28, 2006 4:15 am

Más fotos del proyecto Germania. Fueron publicadas en el Axis Forum por el miembro Oberstudienrat Hauser:





Un saludo.
«El conocimiento es mejor que la ignorancia; la historia es mejor que el mito».
Ian Kershaw

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Mensaje por kalsbad » Vie Jul 14, 2006 3:49 pm

Un vídeo recreación por ordenador parte del proyecto Germania


Mijail Mijailovich
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Mensaje por Mijail Mijailovich » Vie Jul 14, 2006 7:24 pm

Algo de literatura sobre esta cuestión.


Cae el mito de Albert Speer, el arquitecto preferido de Hitler. Joachim Fest y Margret Nissen, hija del ministro nazi, revelan que no era el inocente «que él afirmaba ser»

Berlín- «Como Fausto, habría vendido mi alma por hacer un edificio. Ahora había encontrado a mi Mefistófeles. No me pareció menos absorbente que el de Goethe», aseguraba Albert Speer (1905-1981) en referencia al dictador Adolf Hilter (1889-1945) en sus «Memorias» (editorial El Acantilado). La publicación de esta autobiografía en 1969 le sirvió a Speer para forjarse el mito del nazi bueno, del arquitecto inocente que formó parte del círculo íntimo del dictador y que llegó a ser ministro de Armamento y Municiones entre 1942 y 1945 de la Alemania nazi. «Por encima de todo, yo era arquitecto», repetía Speer, quien fue condenado en 1946 a 20 años de cárcel por crímenes contra la humanidad y crímenes de guerra por el Tribunal de Nuremberg.

Un siglo después de su nacimiento, Speer sigue fascinado a muchos en Alemania a juzgar por el gran número de libros que hay en las librerías sobre él y al éxito que han tenido los tres capítulos del docudrama «Speer y él» de la cadena de televisión pública ARD, dirigido por Heinrich Breloer. Speer, que se hizo miembro del partido nazi en 1931, descubrió rápidamente que «la palabra arquitectura era una palabra mágica» para el dictador. «Speer era una de las figuras más enigmáticas de la historia reciente», como corrobora Joachim Fest en el prólogo de «Los diarios de Spandau» (Ullstein) que el arquitecto publicó en 1975 y que acaban de reeditarse. El ambicioso Speer «quería ser un segundo (Kart Friedrich) Schinkel, el gran arquitecto alemán del neoclasicismo», sostiene el historiador Joachim Fest, autor de una biografía del arquitecto.

Adolf Hitler, un arquitecto frustrado, puso en manos de Speer una obra faraónica a la altura de la megalomanía del dictador: convertir en 1950 la provinciana Berlín en una gran metrópolis llamada «Germania» que superara en belleza y en grandiosidad a París y Viena. El proyecto incluía una enorme avenida al estilo de los Campos Elíseos, un Gran Arco de 80 metros de altura y una gigantesca sala de reuniones coronada por una cúpula de 250 metros de diámetro. El estilo arquitectónico de Speer se basaba en un clasicismo simplificado de formas monumentales. Entre las obras que construyó destacan la Nueva Cancillería de Berlín y el estadio de Nuremberg, lugar de celebración del congreso del partido nazi en 1934. Speer y Hitler tuvieron que conformarse con ver «Germania» sólo en maqueta. La segunda Guerra Mundial dio al traste con sus sueños de grandeza.

Autobiografías y diarios.

Coincidiendo con el 60 aniversario del final de la segunda Guerra Mundial, se han reeditado en Alemania su autobiografía y sus diarios. Y varias editoriales alemanas han sacado nuevos libros sobre Speer, entre los que destacan «Las preguntas sin responder». Conversaciones con Albert Speer» de Joachim Fest y «¿Es usted la hija de Speer?» de Margret Nissen, hija de Speer. «Su gran secreto, por qué tomó parte y qué es lo que sabía de los asesinatos en masa, se lo llevó con él a la tumba», dice la hija del arquitecto. Algunos autores como Matthias Schmidt, Gitta Sereny y Dan van der Vat había ofrecido antes una visión crítica de la figura del arquitecto preferido de Hitler. Pero ha sido la emisión en Alemania de la serie de televisión «Speer y él» ha abierto definitivamente esta semana los ojos al gran público en Alemania. Cuatro millones de espectadores han descubierto que Speer no era el arquitecto inocente que él decía ser, sino un criminal de guerra.

La serie, que ha contribuido a la caída del mito del nazi bueno, se basa en los documentos descubiertos por la historiadora alemana Susanne Willems. Esta historiadora tiene pruebas de que Hermann Wilhelm Göring, el segundo hombre fuerte de la Alemania nazi, dio a Speer carta blanca para disponer de las casas judías que se habían quedado vacías para la transformación de Berlín en Germania. El arquitecto no sólo sabía que los nazis estaban asesinando a sangre fría a judíos para en campos de exterminio como el de Auschwitz (actual Polonia), sino que el mismo autorizó la entrega de material para la construcción de éste y otros campos. Además Speer empleó a trabajadores forzados para aumentar la producción de armamento. «Es uno de los grandes criminales del Tercer Reich», concluye Susanne Willems.

Breloer reproduce en el libro «Speer y él» una conversación entre el arquitecto y Simon Wiesenthal. Este cazador de nazis le dijo en una ocasión a Speer: «Si hubiéramos sabido lo que sabemos ahora, a usted le hubieran ahorcado en Nüremberg en 1946». Speer, que mantuvo hasta el final que no sabía nada del Holocausto, guardó silencio. Wiesenthal entonces dijo: «Sabía que tenía razón». "

Un cordial saludo.

"Al que no sabe, cualquiera lo engaña.
Al que no tiene, cualquiera lo compra."


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