Apodos en la Alemania Nazi

La vida cotidiana en la Alemania del Reich

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Francis Currey
Mensajes: 3176
Registrado: Vie Jun 10, 2005 8:50 am
Ubicación: España

Apodos en la Alemania Nazi

Mensaje por Francis Currey » Mar Jul 05, 2005 8:33 am

Apodos en la Alemania nazi

En este topic pretendo recopilar la mayor información posible sobre los "motes" que se le dieron a los jerarcas nazis:

Joseph Goebbels

- Doktor: El doctor
- Der kleine Doktor: El pequeño doctor.
- Mahatma Propagandhi
- Giftzwerg: El enano envenenador
- Die ratte: La rata
- Der hinkende Teufel: El diablo que cojea (Gregor Straßer)
- Wotan’s Mickey Mouse: El raton Mickey de Wotan (Röhm)
- Mein Doktor: Mi doctor (Hitler)

Se le conocio como el doctor al ser uno de los primeros doctorados en ingresar en el partido, por otro lado sus taras físicas como la cojera o la estatura también fueron fuente de inspiración para que sus enemigos le "rebautizaran" por último su habilidad para la propaganda y el engaño le granjeran calificativos tan curiosos como el Mahatma Propagandhi.

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Francis Currey
Mensajes: 3176
Registrado: Vie Jun 10, 2005 8:50 am
Ubicación: España

Mensaje por Francis Currey » Mar Jul 05, 2005 7:16 pm

Erich Hartmann

- Buby: El pequeño Chico
- The Blond Knight: El caballero rubio (británicos)
- The Black Devil: El diablo negro (soviéticos)

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Erich Hartmann
Miembro fundador
Miembro fundador
Mensajes: 3644
Registrado: Lun Jun 13, 2005 4:15 am
Ubicación: Deutsches Reich

Mensaje por Erich Hartmann » Mié Jul 06, 2005 6:13 pm

Una lista "anglificada" (ya que está sacada del Axis History Forum) que la disfruten :lol: :

Ludolf von Alvensleben = "Bubi" ("Little boy")

Benno von Arent = After the famous stage designer designed ostentatious uniforms for the forign service, Speer called him "Tinsmith of the Third Reich."

Heinz Bär = Known in the Luftwaffe as “Pritzl"

Leo-lothar Barann = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Methusalem." (The Biblical Methuselah was the longest lived of the patriarchs, thus used for the oldest man in a group .)

Hans Beisswenger = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Beisser."

Werner von Blomberg = “Gummilöwe” ("Rubber Lion").

Martin Bormann = called “Bormännchen” by the Eastern SA Gruppe under Stennis (The “- chen” ending is a diminutive ending in German. So, in English, it would be like calling him “Little-Bormann.”)
Martin Bormann = “Braune Eminenz” ("Brown Eminence").

Eva Braun = called "Die Blöde Kuh" (“the Fool Cow”) by Hitler’s inner circle.

Joachim Brendel = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Achim." (Short for “Joachim?”)

Heinz Bretnutz = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Pietsch."

Wilhelm Brückner = "Owambo."

Kurt Daluege = called “Dummi-Dummi” by the Eastern SA Gruppe under Stennis
Kurt Daluege = called "the idiot" by Heydrich.

Ricardo Walter Darré = called "R Punkt Walter" by associates at the Reich Food Ministry.

Josef Dietrich = "Sepp," a common nickname for “Josef.”
Josef Dietrich = "Obersepp" (“Higher/greater Joe” ?)

Anton Döbele = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Toni," an Italian diminutive of “Anthony.”

Engelbert Dolfuss = Called “Millimetternich” (“Millimeter” + “Prince Metternich”) because he was both short and ambitious.

Georg Dörffel = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Orge." (Probably short for “George.”)

Georg-peter Eder = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Schorsch," a diminutive of “George.”

Theodor Eicke = "Papa Eicke”

Franz Ritter von Epp = called “the Mother-Goddess General” by SS men because of his religious beliefs.

Karl Ernst = “Frau Röhrbein” (He had been the lover of Berlin SA commander Paul Röhrbein.)

Hermann Fegelein = "Flegelein" (a play on the word "Flegel" which means "lout".)

Wilhelm Fest = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Jonny."

Herbert Findeise = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Mungo."

Heinz Frank = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Allan."

Adolf Galland = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Dolpho," a comon nick-name for “Adolf.”

Wilhelm Galland = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Wutz," slang for “Pig”.

Adolf Glunz = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Addi," a comon nick-name for “Adolf.”

Joseph Goebbels = “Der kleine Doktor” ("the little doctor").
Joseph Goebbels = “Mahatma Propagandhi”
Joseph Goebbels = “Giftzwerg” (”poison dwarf”)
Joseph Goebbels = "Ungebleichter Schrumpfgermane" (“unbleached shrinkage Teuton”)
Joseph Goebbels = "Die ratte" (“the rat”)
Joseph Goebbels = called "the limping devil" by Gregor Straßer ["Der hinkende Teufel" or "der humpelnde Teufel"?]
Joseph Goebbels = called “the scheming dwarf” by Gregor Strasser
Joseph Goebbels = called “Wotan’s Mickey Mouse” by Röhm
Joseph Goebbels = called "mein Doktor" (“my Doctor”) by Hitler
Joseph Goebbels = According to Speer, Goebbels was always referred to as "the Doctor” in party circles because the party simply did not have many doctors of philosophy among its members in the early days.

Emmy Sonnemann Göring = Called "Göring’s Sow" by Röhm and Karl Ernst.

Hermann Göring = "Der Dicke". (“Fatso”)
Hermann Göring = "Hermann Meier". (Meier (Maier, Meyer) is quite a common German last name. In 1939, Göring promised in a public speech that no enemy aircraft would reach Reich territory - else he could be called "Meier.")

Karl-heinz Greisert = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Heino." (From “Heinz?”)

Heinz Guderian = “Schnell Heinz” (“Quick Heinz”) or perhaps “Schnelling Heinz”

Anton Hackl = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Toni," an Italian diminutive of “Anthony.”

Hans Hahn = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Assi."

Ernst Hanfstaengl = "Putzi" A childhood name meaning “cutie.”
Ernst Hanfstaengl = "Hanfy."

Erich Hartmann = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Bubi" ("Little boy").
Erich Hartmann = "the Blond Knight."
Erich Hartmann = Known to the Russians as "the Black Devil."

Paul Hausser = "Papa Hausser."

Gotthard Heinrici = called “Giftzwerg” (”poison dwarf”) by his friends (in the sense of 'tough little bastard') and by his detractors literally.

Rudolf Hess = called “Hesserl” by Hitler .
Rudolf Hess = called “Fräulein Hess” by Otto Strasser.
Rudolf Hess = called “Fräulein Anna” by Ernst Hanfstaengl.
Rudolf Hess = called “Fräulein Gusti” by Ernst Hanfstaengl.
Rudolf Hess = called “Black Paula” by Ernst Röhm.
Rudolf Hess = called “Black Grete” by Bella Fromm.
Rudolf Hess = called “Black Emma” by Erich Ebermayer.
[Hess was allegged to be an homosexual (thus “Fräulein”) and transvestite (thus “Black”), but why “Black” should apply to a transvestite I don’t know. — Schultz.]

Reinhard Heydrich = "Das blonde Biest" (“The Blond Beast”) A very common expression in German.
Reinhard Heydrich = "Die blonde Bestie" (“The Blond Beast”)
Reinhard Heydrich = "Itzig Süß" These are typical (German) Jewish names. When Heydrich was young(er) there were apparently some rumours that he was of Jewish descent, and one day when he visited his hometown, Halle, someone said 'Guck mal, der junge Itzig Süß in Marineuniform!' (Look, that young 'Itzig Süß' in a naval uniform!')
Reinhard Heydrich = "Isi" Short for "Isidor," another typically Jewish name.
Reinhard Heydrich = "Reini" a diminutive of Reinhard.
Reinhard Heydrich = "der blonde Moses" (“The Blond Moses”)
Reinhard Heydrich = "der weiße Moses" (“The White Moses”)
Reinhard Heydrich = "Moses Händel" Also is an ironic reference to the rumour that Heydrich was Jewish Georg Friedrich Händel, the famous composer who, like Heydrich, was born in Halle, and because of Heydrich's wonderful playing on his violin.
Reinhard Heydrich = "Der blonde Siegfried" (“The Blond Siegfried”)
Reinhard Heydrich = "Die Hebbe" (“The Goat”). Apparently Heydrich had a highpitched voice and a very peculiar way of laughing, which to some resembled the bleating of a goat.
Reinhard Heydrich = "Die Ziege" (“The Goat”)
Reinhard Heydrich = "Der Ziegenbock" (“The Billy Goat”)
Reinhard Heydrich = "Die Himmelsziege" (“The Snipe”) A snipe is also known as a 'Himmelsziege' (“Heavenly Goat”) in some German-speaking areas, because of the 'bleating' sound produced by the tail-feathers of male snipes during mating season.
Reinhard Heydrich = "Henker Heydrich" (“Hangman Heydrich")
Reinhard Heydrich = "Oberverdachtsschöpfer" (“Chief of Suspicions”)

Heinrich Himmler = called “Heini der Wimmler” by the Eastern SA Gruppe under Stennis
Heinrich Himmler = called “schwache Nummer” (“weak number”) by Franz von Pfeffer
Heinrich Himmler = Called "Heini Himmler" by most of the SS. (“Heini” means a little boy who's afraid of everything due to the fact that Himmler never fought at all).
Heinrich Himmler = called "Reichs-Heini" by Göring.
Heinrich Himmler = called "der König Heinrich" within SS circles (Because of his interest and comparison of himself to King Heinrich the first, designing his personal room in Wewelsburg castle after him, for example.)
Heinrich Himmler = called "Uncle Heini" by SS men behind his back.
Heinrich Himmler = called "My Ignatious Loyola" by Hitler because of the evident adoption of many rituals and characteristics from the Jesuit Order founded by Loyola.

Paul von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg = called "der Alte" ("the old man") behind his back by the National Socialists.

Adolf Hitler = called “The Tribune” by Hess.
Adolf Hitler = called "Der böhmische Gefreite" ("The Bohemian Corporal") by Paul von Hindenburg who mistook Hitler’s home town of Braunau am Inn (Asutria), for Braunau in Böhmen.
Adolf Hitler = called "That Bohemian Corporal" by Gerd von Rundstedt.
Adolf Hitler = "Drei Liter" (“Three Litre” ?)
Adolf Hitler = "der schöne Adolf" (“The beautiful/handsome Adolf” German women in the 1920’s and 30’s evidently found the Führer quite handsome)
Adolf Hitler = “Grofaz “(an abbreviation of Grosster Feldherr aller Zeiten , or Greatest Military Genius of all Times. It was used by disillusioned officers who knew that Germany was losing the war in the late summer of 1944. Or perhaps "Gröfaz" was originally invented by Keitel as a positive nickname, to ingratiate himself with AH.)
Adolf Hitler = called "Gustav" by Oswald Spengler in letters (after Stresemann's death, when the name was "free"), because of the famous 17th century Swedish king Gustav Adolf.
Adolf Hitler = called "Wolf" by the Wagners, Bechsteins, and some other high supporters, after a pseudonym he invented for himself.
Adolf Hitler = called "Carpet-Chewer" in reference to his rage states where he “chewed the carpet.”

August Wilhelm Heinrich Günther Viktor Hohenzollern, Prinz von Preußen = "Auwi" (A contraction of AUgust WIlhelm.)

Dietrich Wilhelm Bernhard von Jagow = “Der Degen” (“The sword” / “The Warrior”)

Josef Jennewein = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Pepi" Short for “Peppino” or “Pino” the Itallian dininutive “Giuseppino” which in tern derives from “Giuseppe,” the Italian form of “Josef.”

Traudl Junge = Hitler often called his secretary "Junge Frau" ("Young Lady"), thus punning on "Frau Junge" (“Mrs. Junge”).

Wilhelm Keitel = called “La Keitel” (punning in German with lackey “Lakai”) by the Wehrmacht staff officers.
Wilhelm Keitel = called "the nodding ass" by other generals.
Wilhelm Keitel = "Yes-Keitel"

Albert Kesselring = "smiling buddy".

Hans-Günther von Kluge = "der kluge Günther" (“the smart Günther”) or "der kluger Hans" (“the cunning Hans”)

Paul Körner = "Pilli" (A diminutive of “Paul?”)

Heinrich Krafft = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Gaudi"

Hans-joachim Kroschski = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Kroschi"

Walter Krueger Krüger = "Ohm" (reference to south african personality?)

Walter Krupinski = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Graf Punski"
Walter Krupinski = "Krupi"

August Kubizek = Hitler called his childhood friend "Gustl" because he didn't like the name "August". On postcards which Hitler wrote from Vienna to Kubizek, he even addressed to him as "Gustav" and "Gustaph" Kubizek.

Richard Kunze = "Knüppel-Kunze." "Knüppel" is most likely short for "Steuerknüppel" ("control column").

Emil Lang = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Bully"

Erich Leie = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Tiger Leie"

Robert Ley = "Oberster Reichstrunkenbold" (“Reichs Drunkard in Chief”)

Gunther Lutzow = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Franzl," a common nick-name for “Franz.”

Gunther Von Maltzahn = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Henri"

Hans-Joachim Marseille = "Stern von Afrika" (The most successful air ace in the Western theatre was called the “Star of Africa” in the Nazi press.”

Emil Maurice = called “Maurizl” by Hitler (a diminutive of endearment)
Emil Maurice = called “Mosel” by Hitler (a diminutive of endearment)

Julius Meimberg = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Jule"

Josef Menapace = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Bazi," slang for “Bavarian.”

Kurt Meyer = "Panzermeyer"

Werner Mölders = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Vati," slang for “father.”

Friedrich-karl Muller(Iv/Jg3) = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Tutti"

Leopold Munster = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Poldi." (Short for “Leopold?”)

Walther Nowothy = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Nowi"

Walter Oesau = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Gulle"

Franz von Papen = derided by Schleicher as "ein Hut, kein Kopf" (“a hat, not a head”).
Franz von Papen = affectionately called “Fränzchen” (“Frankie”) by close associates, including Hindenburg.

Rudolf Pflanz = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Rudi"

Hans Philipp = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Fips"

Johanna Poelzl = Hitler's aunt was called "Hanitante" ("Hani-aunt") by family members.

Josef Priller = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Pips" Probably derived from “Giuseppino,” the Italian diminutive for “Josef.”

Stefanie Rabatsch = Hitler used the code name "Benkieser," for the object of his secret crush when he wrote in postcards to Kubizek about her. "Benkieser" was the surname of a former classmate.

Joachim von Ribbentrop = called "dreckiger kleiner Sektverkäufer" (“dirty little champagne salesman”) by Göring. After the Great War Ribbentrop worked as a wine salesman, then later he married the daughter of a wealthy champagne producer.

Ernst Röhm = called “That Breechloader” by Paul von Hindenburg. (A reference to Röhm’s notorious sexual practice.)

Josef Römer = "Beppo," a common nickname for “Josef.”

Oskar Romm = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Ossi"

Erwin Rommel = "Wüstenfuchs" (“The Dessert Fox”)

Edmund Rossmann = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Paule"

Victor Emmanuel de Savoy (King of Italy) = called "König Nußknacker" ("King nut-cracker"; figuratively "King old fogey") by Hitler.

Hans Schemm = "der schöne

Siegfried Schnell = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Wumm"

Karl Schnörrer = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Quax." (Quax was a pilot in a german film (“Quax der Bruchpilot”), with Heinz Ruehmann,
where he always broke his planes until he learned properly to fly.)

Hans Schwirblatt = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Der Schatten"
Hans" (“The beautiful/handsome Hans”)

Reinhard Seiler = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Seppl"

Gustav Sprick = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Micky"

Johannes Steinhoff = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Macky"

Heinrich Sterr = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Bazi," slang for “Bavarian.”

Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz von Groß-Zauche und Camminetz = “Der Panzergraf ” ("The Armored Count")

Gustav Stressman = called “Beer Bottle Gustav” (he was a brewer by trade) by Joseph Goebbels.

Georg von Stumme = "kugelblitz" (“Round Lightning”) because of his "rounded" body and his somehow over-excitated behavoiur.

Walter Voigt = “Panzer-Voigt”

Wilhelm Weber = “der Zyklon” (“The Cyclone”)

Bernhard Weiß = called "Isidor" by Goebbels in the pages Der Angriff. Isidore was a common Eastern European Jewish name and calling a Jew “Isidore” would be something like calling an Irishman “Paddy,” or a Pole “Stashoo.”

Robert Weiss = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Bazi," slang for “Bavarian.”

Heinz Wernicke = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Piepl"

Wolf-dietrich Wilcke = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Fuerst,” the German word for a sovereign, prince, or ruler.

Karl Willius = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Charlie," an english diminuive of “Charles” (i.e. “Karl”).

Theodor Wisch = "Teddy"

Josef Wurmheller = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Sepp," a common nickname for “Josef.”

Josef Zwernemann = Known in the Luftwaffe as "Jupp," a common nickname for “Josef.”

gauleiter Hans Schemm = "der schöne Hans"
SS-Obergruppenführer Paul Körner - "Pilli"
SS-Gruppenführer Ludolf von Alvensleben = "Bubi"
Ernst Hanfstaengl = "Putzi"
SA-Obergruppenführer Wilhelm Brückner = "Owambo"
SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer Josef Dietrich = "Sepp"
SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer Paul Hausser = "Papa Hausser"
SS-Brigadeführer Theodor Wisch = "Teddy"
Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel = "Wüstenfuchs"
Hauptmann Hans-Joachim Marseille = "Stern von Afrika"
SS-Brigadeführer Kurt Meyer = "Panzermeyer"
member of Reichstag Richard Kunze = "Knüppel-Kunze"

Saludos cordiales

Hans Hube
Mensajes: 63
Registrado: Jue Nov 17, 2005 5:24 am
Ubicación: Madrid, españa

Mensaje por Hans Hube » Vie Nov 18, 2005 1:58 am

Hans Hube: "Der Mensch" significa literalmente "el hombre" y refleja la confianza que tenian sus hombres en el. Supo mantener bastante tiempo la moral de sus hombres ,hasta que la situacion se hizo inevitable
"Der Mensch"


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