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Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Mié May 23, 2012 7:12 pm
por Grossman

En los siguientes post dejaré una relación de títulos de tesis doctorales y algunos datos adicionales, por ejemplo un resumen y si lo hay (y encuentro), enlaces para descargarlas legalmente. Los resúmenes son de los autores, pero hay algunas modificaciones, por lo general de carácter tipográfico. La idea es disponer de un catálogo, motivo por el que los títulos estarán ordenados con la misma estructura de los temas del foro. Si alguien conoce enlaces a investigaciones que no están incluidas o novedades, puede añadirlo y yo lo iré incorporando en su sitio, pero ha de provenir de una fuente acreditada y el tema ha de estar relacionado significativamente con la SGM o su origen. Las bases de datos principales de las que me he surtido son Teseo y TDR que recogen la mayor parte de las publicadas en España, por lo que lo primero que se echa en falta son las de las universidades de otros países, sobre todo las de Iberoamérica. Espero que con la colaboración de todos finalmente logremos disponer de un catálogo exhaustivo.


Fuentes principales:
● TESEO: https://www.educacion.gob.es/teseo/irGe ... onsulta.do
● TDR: http://www.tdx.cat/

Publicado: Mié May 23, 2012 7:14 pm
por Grossman
Período de entreguerras

"British Policy Towards the USSR and the Onset of the Second World War". Aster, Sidney. University of London (1969) Descarga: EThOS

"The development and organisation of the Hitler youth, 1930-1933". Stachura, P. D. University of East Anglia (1971) Descarga: EThOS

"Chang Tso-Lin, the mukden military clique, and Japan, 1920-1928 : the development and interrelationships of chinese militarism and Japanese imperialism in northeast China". McCormack, G. University of London (1974) Descarga: EThOS

"The development of British strategic air power doctrine and policy in the period of rearmament preceding the second world war, c.1934-1939". Smith, MS. University of Lancaster (1975) Descarga: EThOS

"The evolution of Nazi ideas on foreign policy, 1919-28 with particular reference to Adolf Hitler". Stoakes, Geoffrey. University of Sheffield (1983) Descarga: EThOS

“El ejército francés ante la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939)”
Jaime Martínez Parrilla, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1985)
Resumen: “Gracias a la reciente apertura de los archivos franceses para este período (archivos del ejército archivos diplomáticos documentos privados del mariscal Petain proveniente de Vichy etc.) hemos podido analizar las reacciones del alto mando francés ante la Guerra Civil Española. La política de no-intervención que adoptó el gobierno del Frente Popular francés no solamente fue debida a presiones exteriores. Estas presiones tambien existieron dentro del aparato del estado francés notablemente dentro del estado-mayor del ejército. Igualmente se estudian en esta tesis las enseñanzas que el estado-mayor extrae de la guerra española. el papel de la aviación, de la marina ante el conflicto. Asimismo la actuación del ejército francés ante el final de la guerra, la apertura de relaciones con Franco. la actuación del mariscal Petain con respecto a las reivindicaciones españolas referentes al oro del Banco de España, gesta material de guerra internados en Francia.” (sic) Libro relacionado: http://www.portalcultura.mde.es/publica ... _0074.html
"The Communist Party in Moscow 1925-1932" Merridale, Catherine Anne :sgm93:  
University of Birmingham (1987)
Abstract: “The thesis examines the Communist Party in Moscow between 1925 and 1932. Its structure, role and membership are studied, together with its relationship with the population of Moscow. A study is also made of politics in the period, with special reference to the oppositions of the 1920's. Four broad problems are discussed. The first is the relationship between the central Party leadership and the Moscow Committee. Second is the role of the grassroots activist in political life. Thirdly, the failure of the oppositions is studied in detail. Finally, popular influence over the Party is examined with a view to discussing how far the revolution had been 'betrayed' in this period. It is found that the Moscow Committee was less autonomous than other regional organs, but that grassroots initiative played an important part in political life. In general, people were reluctant to engage in formal opposition. This largely explains the defeat of the Left and Right oppositions, who failed to attract significant support. The majority of Muscovites remained apathetic or hostile to the Party, but a core of committed activists within it was responsible for many of the period's achievements. To the extent that they supported and even initiated policy, Stalin's 'great turn' included an element of 'revolution from below'.” Descarga: EThOS

“Trabajo, sociedad y estado. Los sindicatos libres en la Republica de Weimar fundamentos del sindicato unitario.”
Nuria Puig Raposo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1987)
Resumen: “Analisis de la politica y el pensamiento de la Confederacion General de los Sindicatos libres (ADGB) en la Republica de Weimar desde la perspectiva del Sindicato Unitario actual de La R.F.A. el DGB. El trabajo consta de tres partes: I) presentacion del ADGB en el contexto de la Alemania de antes y despues de la Primera Guerra Mundial y en su congreso fundacional (1919). II) Estudio sistematizado del ADGB y de sus relaciones con los partidos politicos patronal estado y otras centrales sindicales 1919-1933. III) Resumen interpretativo de la genesis y los principios del Sindicato Unitario de la R.F.A. de 1945 a nuestros dias (1983) Esta tesis doctoral se ha realizado sobre material de diversos archivos de la R.F.A. y bibliografia y prensa tambien alemanas.”

“Schmitt en Weimar, una critica autoritaria del estado de derecho y de la democracia representativa”
Jose Antonio Estevez Araujo, Universidad de Barcelona (1988)
Resumen: “La tesis analiza la obra del jurista alemán Carl Schmitt correspondiente a la etapa de la Republica de Weimar. En los dos primeros capítulos se estudia el contexto histórico y teórico en el que esta obra se genera. En concreto, se analizan los rasgos más sobresalientes del régimen weimariano y la crisis del positivismo jurídico en el ámbito del derecho politico en los años veinte en Alemania. De los tres capitulos dedicados específicamente a estudiar la produccion teórica de Carl Schmitt, el primero analiza el significado y las raíces históricas y doctrinales del decisionismo político schmittiano. Los dos capítulos restantes articulan la produccion schmittiana más directamente jurídico-política en lo que se considera como dos modelos defendidos sucesivamente por este autor durante los años veinte: la dictadura comisarial y la dictadura plebiscitaria.”

"Das drama der Weimarer Republik und der aufsteig des Nationalsozialismus Der Feind steht Rechts". Sowerby, G. University of Nottingham (1988) Descarga: EThOS

"British casualties on the Western Front 1914-1918 and their influence on the military conduct of the Second World War".
Eric Yvon. University of Leicester (1991)
Abstract: “It is often asserted that British army casualties in theGreat War were carelessly incurred and that this influenced the way Britain fought in the Second World War. Manpower was a prime resource in the mobilisation for total war but its scarcity only fully realised by end of 1917 when the army was cautioned about casualties. The government,however, had feared an early popular reaction against mounting casualties. It did not materialise: the incidence of casualties was diffused over time, and households had no massmedia spreading intimate awareness of battlefield conditions.The army itself never mutinied over casualties or refused tofight. The country considered the casualties grievous but not inordinate or unnecessary. Between the wars unemployment and ''consumerism'' mattered more to people than memories of the Great War., kept ritually alive by annual Armistice Day services. Welfare benefits increased, more children went to secondary school but social and political change was tardy. Many intellectuals turned pacifist but Nazi Germany made an anti-war-stance difficult. Air raids rather than memories of Great War casualties preoccupied the nation as it armed for war. In the Second World War army casualty lists were notregularly lengthy until the beginning of 1944 and did not have an adverse impact on civilian morale. The manpower shortage became acute earlier, in 1942, and army commanders were alerted to replacement problems. Politically, Churchill desired a strong, victorious British army but lack of meninduced caution about casualties, particularly in relation to the invasion of Normandy, involving frontal amphibious attackon the German army. This caution communicated itself to the citizen armies in the field, which showed little natural bentfor soldiering. These circumstances governed the way the army fought in the Second World War, not memories of Great War casualties - which were more numerous because of the extentover time and scale of the fighting.” Descarga: EThOS

"Soviet foreign policy 1933-1941, with special reference to the pact with Nazi Germany". Roberts, Geoffrey Charles. University of London (1992) Descarga: EThOS

"Britain and the war in China 1937-1945". Baxter, C E. University of Wales.Aberystwyth (1993) Descarga: EThOS

"Images of the enemy: the SPD's perception of National Socialism in Augsburg, with particular reference to the portrayal of Nazism in the Schwäbische Volkszeitung, 1928-1933". Liddell, E. University of Edinburgh (1996) Descarga: EThOS
"Official statistics and economic governance in interwar Germany". Tooze, J. Adam :sgm93:
University of London (1996) Descarga: EThOS

"A different kind of nation: the political origin of Britain's financial and economic unpreparedness for the Second World War". Price, Christopher. University of York (1998) Descarga: EThOS

"The Communist Party of Great Britain and its struggle against fascism 1933-1939"
Murphy, Dylan Lee. University of Huddersfield (1999) 
Abstract: “The sectarian tactics of the Comintern''s Third Period prevented the Communist Party of Great Britain from articulating an effective response to the rise of fascism during 1933. The CPGB leadership saw the main threat of fascism in Britain coming from the National Government, whose measures were portrayed as leading to the gradual ''fascisation'' of British society. This led to the Party leadership ignoring the BUF as politically irrelevant. However, sections of the CPGB rank and file felt differently, linking up with their Labour movement counterparts; organising activity on a mass scale to prevent BUF activity on the streets of Britain. In mid 1934, reflecting pressure from below and the change in Comintern anti-fascist strategy as advocated by Dimitrov, the CPGB leadership changed tack and sanctioned counter-demonstrations to BUF meetings. In October 1934 it offered a united front electoral pact to the Labour Party. In 1935 the CPGB embraced the popular front policy adopted by the Comintern at its Seventh World Congress. The popular front movement was designed to change the ''profascist'' foreign policy of the National Government and replace it with a people''s government favourable to a military pact with the USSR. This guiding principle lay behind the popular front activity of the CPGB during 1935- 39. By 1939 after six years of hard work the CPGB had little to show for its struggle against fascism. Despite a small increase in membership, and a slight growth in influence amongst the trade unions and intelligentsia, it had failed to bring about a change in British foreign policy favourable to an alliance with the Soviet Union or to emerge as a significant force within the British Labour movement. This failure can be largely ascribed to its pursuit of an antifascist strategy determined mainly by the requirements of Soviet foreign policy and not by the concerns of British workers.” Descarga: EThOS

"The capital ship controversy in the interwar Royal Navy : an operational and tactical reassessment". Moretz, Joseph Alan. University of London (1999) Descarga: EThOS

“Blitzkrieg under Fire: German Rearmament, Total Economic Mobilization, and the Myth of the Blitzkrieg Strategy. Brett Thomas Gore. University of Calgary (2000) Descarga: https://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/18 ... 13Gore.pdf

“Aspectos militares de la Guerra Civil: la actuación en España de la Legion Cóndor”
Manuel Gonzalez Álvarez, Universidad de León (2001)
Resumen: “A pesar de la cantidad de profundos estudios referidos a la Guerra Civil Española pocos son los enfocados hacia el plano militar y muy escasos o inexistentes son los dedicados al estudio de la guerra aerea. De ahí que se hiciese necesario este exhaustivo estudio sobre la guerra aerea desencadenada sobre España y mas concretamente sobre la actuacion en nuestros cielos de la Legion Condor. Aspectos militares de la guerra civil: la actuacion en España de la Legion Condor, es ante todo la desapasionada y desconocida reconstruccion de los origenes y del entramado politico militar que hizo posible la creacion de la Legion Condor y por tanto de la intervencion militar alemana en la Guerra Civil española. Se realiza por tanto a traves de esta documentadisima tesis doctoral una reconstruccion pormenorizada de la entrevista de Bayreuth donde Adolf Hitler recibio a los emisarios del general Franco y decidió prestar su apoyo a los rebeldes, acabando con el mito falsamente difundido por el regimen franquista de la habilidad de Francisco Arranz Monasterio, descubriendo realmente la figura de Johannes Bernhardt, verdadero espiritu del éxito de la mision y autentico desconocido de la historiografia española. Tambien se refuta, con una solida documentacion, que el Almirante Canaris no estuvo presente nunca en esa reunion, ya que ni el, ni el Abwer, tuvieron nunca noticia de la embajada española hasta dias despues, con lo cual se prueba que no hubo conexión anterior al golpe del 18 de julio entre el general Franco y el III Reich. Transcurre posteriormente el estudio por el devenir de la creacion en Alemania del operativo Sonderstab W, imprescindible para el nacimiento de la Legion Condor, asi como el traslado a España de los primeros contingentes de tropas y material con destino al bando rebelde, cuyo nombre en clave fue "Operación Feuerzauber". Se incide de forma profunda en la figura del Obersleutnant Walter Warlimont personaje clave en” (sic)

“Strategic Airpower Elements in Interwar German Air Force Doctrine”.
Muscha, William R. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (2001)
Abstract: “Germany reestablished its air force during the last half of the interwar period of 1919 to 1939, a period in which airpower theorists attempted to merge the new technology of aviation with traditional roles of the military. The Royal Air Force adopted the offensive use of airpower to attack enemy sources power as its primary mission and focused on defeating the enemy nation. Great Britain’s national strategic situation, its lessons from World War I, and its air leadership all contributed toward this adoption. The German situation was different. Its lessons from World War I, its traditional views on the roles of its army, its strategic situation, and its fragmented air leadership contributed toward its adoption of an air doctrine that focused on defeating enemy military forces, not enemy sources of power. The Treaty of Versailles also restricted the size of its military and the kinds of aircraft it could build, affecting its air force’s mission. This thesis addresses the development of a new technology and its adoption as either a doctrinal evolution or revolution. It also addresses the question of why one nation might see more value in strategic air doctrine rather than a doctrine focused on the enemy’s military.” Descarga: http://stinet.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc ... tTRDoc.pdf

“Mikhail Tukhachevsky in the Russian Civil War”
Croll, Neil Harvey. University of Glasgow (2002)
Abstract: “Much has been written about Mikhail Nikolaevich Tukhachevsky. His development of the ?Deep Battle? military theory in the late 1920s and 1930s, the attendant mechanisation of the Red Army and his role in the development of the Soviet military/industrial complex have been well-researched. The ?Tukhachevsky Affair?, the discussion surrounding his execution in the military purge of 1937, continues to attract interest. However, a detailed analysis of his early life and Civil War command career has never been completed. This gap is filled by this thesis.Tukhachevsky?s early life is explored to provide background, but also to provide a biographical account and to illustrate who he was when he joined the Red Army and Bolshevik Party in 1918. The thesis demonstrates that he was not a communist at this stage. However, his command experiences during the Civil War, combining military tactics of continuous manoeuvre warfare with constant frontline mobilisations, political agitation and repression, allowed him to develop a theory of class warfare and saw his conversion to a belief in the efficacy of Marxist principles when applied to military methods. Tukhachevsky?s success in the Civil War is compared to his failure in the Polish-Soviet War and the basis for the latter is that his continuation of class warfare methods were unsuitable for the conflict in Poland.The success of Tukhachevsky?s class warfare methods is explained by their relevance to the situation and social fabric of Russia at the time. The retention of these principles to form the basis of the operational side of ?Deep Battle? is argued, as is Tukhachevsky?s openness to innovation in weaponry and tactics gleaned during his Civil War command. Tukhachevsky?s role in the early Red Army formulation is detailed, as is his development of the concept of ?unified command? involving the creation of Red Commanders.The Communist Party leadership?s use of Tukhachevsky as a ?troubleshooter? to deal with prioritised areas during the Civil War, leading to his service on every major Front at crucial stages is highlighted, as are the connections he made on the Civil War battlefields, friendly and hostile. It is shown that during his Civil War commands he met with those with whom he would later work and that their collaboration and experimentation began almost immediately.” Descarga: EThOS

b]"Soviet-German Relations in the Interwar Period"[/b]. Radomska, Sofiya. Södertörn University College (2006)
Descarga: http://kth.diva-portal.org/smash/record ... iva2:16401

"The enigma of German operational theory: the evolution of military thought in Germany, 1919-1938"
Vardi, Gil-li. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (2008)
Abstract: “From the end of the Second World War historians have sought to answer one of its most intriguing questions: to what - and to whom - did the Wehrmacht owe its shocking initial operational successes? What was the nature of German strategic and operational perceptions, and were they new - or even, as some researchers have suggested, 'revolutionary'? Was German post-1918 military culture conducive to a thorough investigation of past mistakes, a re-evaluation of traditional notions, and the pursuit of new ideas? In reality the Reichswehr officer corps jealously defended its inherited conceptual boundaries, retreated ever-deeper into a one-dimensional self-perception and strategic outlook, and offered conceptually ossified solutions to the Republic's pressing security problems. German officers, convinced that their doctrine and military world-view were flawless, never challenged the axioms and values that had brought army and nation to catastrophe in 1918: extreme warfare, culminating in the most destructive and eventually self-destructive actions; extremes of risk-taking; the endless pursuit of annihilational battles that dictated the reduction of strategy to meticulous operational and tactical planning; the trust in 'spiritual superiority' to overcome enemy advantages in material and manpower; ruthlessness; and an exaggerated drive for action at all costs. Idiosyncratic operational planning that was at times completely detached from strategic reality completed the picture of a military organisation unable to renew itself. No comprehensive analysis has yet convincingly explained this astonishing continuity, or linked it to the allegedly innovative operational theory and doctrine that evolved in the second half of the 1930s. The concept of military and organisational culture can however provide the necessary theoretical foundations for understanding both that continuity and the doctrinal shape that it assumed in the imminence of the Second World War. It can explain - as this thesis demonstrates - the disastrous and seemingly inexplicable wrong-headedness of a group of otherwise highly intelligent men.” Descarga: EThOS

"Soviet-Polish relations, 1919-1921"
Croll, Kirsteen Davina. University of Glasgow (2009) 
Abstract: “The Polish-Soviet War of 1919-1921 was a direct consequence of the ideological objectives pursued by the belligerents. Ideology shaped the political agenda and the diametrically opposed war aims of both states, and was implemented through the foreign policy, diplomatic negotiation and military engagements pursued. This proved to be the principal obstacle to the establishment of cordial relations. As western democracy and Russian Marxism battled it out, war was inevitable. Externally, the Paris Peace Conference provided the necessary conditions for the resumption of traditional Russian-Polish hostilities, whilst the Allied States consistently demonstrated their absolute inability to directly influence either the development, or outcome, of the conflict. Redressing the balance of historiography, this thesis includes a greater examination of the conflict from the perspective of the Soviet regime. This firmly controlled the Russian decision-making process. By charting the war, it becomes clear that both states deliberately pursued a dual offensive: traditional diplomatic negotiation and military campaign as conditions dictated. However, in addition, Soviet Russia developed a unique and innovative, revolutionary, agit-prop, diplomatic medium. This enabled adept Soviet diplomats to win the majority of diplomatic battles during the conflict, although often negotiating from a militarily weak position. Nevertheless, the regime ultimately failed in its objective: to ignite socialist revolution in western Europe. The mistaken Soviet decision in July 1920 to cross the ethnographic border to forcefully sovietise Poland, in opposition to Marxist doctrine, irreversibly altered the complexion of the war and proved its pivotal turning point. This culminated politically with the short-lived establishment of the Provisional Revolutionary Committee in Białystok, and militarily, with the decisive defeat of the Red Army at the Battle of Warsaw. It is now certain that the Red Army offensive into Poland in July 1920 aimed not only at the sovietisation of Poland, but at spreading the socialist revolution to Western Europe and overthrowing the Versailles settlement. The European revolutionary upsurge had largely extinguished during the previous year and in August 1920, Communist ideology ultimately failed to inspire the vast majority of the Polish population. Thus, by utilising the Soviet military to secure its war aims, Lenin and the Politburo inadvertently signed the death-warrant of socialist revolution in Poland at the beginning of the twentieth century.” Descarga: EThOS

Publicado: Mié May 23, 2012 7:17 pm
por Grossman
Historia general

"British Policy Towards the USSR and the Onset of the Second World War". Aster, Sidney. University of London (1969) Descarga: EThOS

"Britain's attempt to maximise US participation in the Second World War, 1939-1941 : a case study in targeting history". Blaycock, W. University of London (1980) Descarga: EThOS

"Treating and preventing trauma : British military psychiatry during the Second World War”
Thalassis, Nafsika. University of Salford (2004)
Abstract: “This is a study of military psychiatry in the Second World War. Focusing on the British Army, it recounts how the military came to employ psychiatrists to revise recruitment procedures and to treat psychiatric casualties. The research has shown that psychiatry was a valued specialty and that psychiatrists were given considerable power and independence. For example, psychiatrists reformed personnel selection and placed intelligence testing at the centre of the military selection of personnel. Psychiatrists argued that by eliminating the ''dull and backward'' the tests would help improve efficiency, hygiene, discipline and morale, reduce psychiatric casualties and establish that the Army was run in a meritocratic way. However, it is probable that intelligence testing made it less likely that working-class men would receive commissions. Still, the Army had no consistent military doctrine about what the psychiatrists should be aiming for -to return as many psychiatric casualties to combatant duties as was possible or to discharge men who had found it impossible to adapt to military life. In the initial stages of the war, the majority of casualties were treated in civilian hospitals in Britain, where most were discharged. This was partly because the majority were regarded as constitutional neurotics. When psychiatrists treated soldiers near the front line most were retained in some capacity. The decision on whether to evacuate patients was influenced by multiple factors including the patients'' military experience and the doctors'' commitment to treatment or selection. Back in Britain, service patients were increasingly more likely to be treated in military hospitals such as Northfield -famous for the ''Northfield experiments''. These provided an alternative model of military psychiatry in which psychiatric intervention refocused away from individuals and their histories and onto social relationships, and where the psychiatrists'' values were realigned with the military rather than with civilian general medicine.”  Descarga: EThOS

"Le feld-marechal Erich von Manstein: Un officier prussien a l'ombre de l'image de la Wehrmacht. Etude critique de l'homme et du soldat"
Lemay, Benoit. Universite de Montreal (2004)
Abstract: “The political and moral responsibility of the Wehrmacht during the Nazi period has systematically been overshadowed by the Cold War and by German rearmament in compliance with NATO requirements, which led to the reactivation of veterans of Hitler's army. More than any of his Wehrmacht comrades, Field Marshall Erich von Manstein---considered by most experts as the greatest tactical genius of the Second World War---contributed, through his post-war accounts and memoirs, to the myths that the German army was but a victim of Nazi expansionist policy, that officers were only obeying orders, as was their duty, that Hitler alone was responsible for the military defeat of the Reich and that the Wehrmacht never participated in the criminal activity of the Nazi regime.

Yet Manstein, more than most of his colleagues in the officer corps, was an accomplice to Hitler's enterprise of aggression and destruction in Europe. Indeed, not only was he a fully willing participant in the planning and execution of wars of aggression against Poland, France and the Soviet Union, but he also supported Wehrmacht war crimes in Eastern Europe at the expense of Jews, supporters and citizens of the occupied territories, Polish and Soviet prisoners of war and the political commissaries of the Red Army.

Manstein, however, was not a true Nazi, but rather a great soldier who lacked political instincts. In this sense, he is very representative of the Prussian military class of his era. Through him, one can therefore map out the fate of other high-ranking officers who fought during the Second World War, particularly on the Eastern front. It is for this reason that it is important to study this man who served his Fuhrer until the end. An analysis of Manstein's indulgence, both during and after the war, of Nazi atrocities, allows us to more fully understand why the German army allowed itself to be the instrument of Hitler's expansionist policy.

This thesis fills a great void in German military historiography: a critical study of this complex persona, probably of Jewish and Slavic descent, whose diverse facets have often led to differing interpretations. Such a study is important not only for military history and for the understanding of an exceptionally talented strategist, but also affords entry into the thoughts, conceptions and psychology of a high-ranking officer who played a leading role in the planning and execution of wars of aggression and violations of the rules of war committed by the Wehrmacht for the benefit of the Nazi regime.”
Descarga (previo registro) http://access.cjh.org/query.php?term=Le ... =all&go=#1

“Erich von Manstein. Vernichtungskrieg und Geschichtspolitik”. Oliver von Wrochem. Hamburg Helmut Schmidt Universität (2004) Libro: http://www.amazon.de/Erich-von-Manstein ... 3506729772

"The Polish Country Section of the Special Operations Executive 1940-1946 A British Perspective"
Bines, Jeffrey. University of Stirling (2008)
Abstract: “This thesis is a history of the Polish Country Section of the Special Operations Executive (SOE), a British organisation whose purpose was to infiltrate agents behind enemy lines during World War II. The thesis covers the period 1940 ? 1946, the entire period that SOE existed, and its close connection with the Polish special department, formally known as the Sixth Bureau of the Polish Government in Exile. Chapters contained herein each cover a full year of operations from 1941 -1943, followed by two chapters for 1944, and one chapter for 1945-1946. Covered are details of agent training, information on the first flight to Poland to drop agents and couriers and the problems encountered. The German invasion of the Soviet Union and SOE?s thoughts on the predicted outcome is covered, as are also Polish operations in France and indications of support for Polish operations in other parts of the world. Throughout, is evidence of the difficulties in obtaining sufficient air support for flights to Poland which, although inadequate for Polish requirements, were more abundant than many realised at the time. This is especially true with reference to supplies dropped to Warsaw during the rising of 1944. Brief accounts of the meetings between the ?Big Three?, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, at Teheran and Yalta in as much as they affected SOE/Polish relations. The thesis finishes with appendices detailing agent/courier parachute drops, lists of personnel involved, a bibliography and glossary.” Descarga: EThOS

"Leadership and command on the Eastern Front (1941-1945) : the military style of Marchal Konstantin Rokossovskiy"
Walsh, S. M. University of Cranfield (2010)
Abstract: “Marshal Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovskiy, Hero of the Soviet Union, Order ofVictory, Knight of the Bath, OBE, victor of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, the destructionof German Army Group Centre and East Prussia, participated in some of the mostsignificant operations in the history of war, let alone the twentieth century. Yet, in theEnglish speaking world Rokossovskiy is unknown, a name, vaguely associated withfamous events. There is no sustained historical analysis of Rokossovskiy?s style ofleadership and operational command in the English language. Rokossovskiy rejected the authoritarian leadership culture of Stalin?s Soviet Union andZhukov?s Red Army. Rokossovskiy was highly demanding and occasionally harsh buthis leadership encouraged initiative, consultation, trust, delegation and toleratedmistakes in a way that made him unusual, indeed exceptional, in the Red Army. It wasprimarily an authoritative style of leadership but Rokossovskiy practised different formsand styles of leadership guided by his own instinctive judgement according to thedemands of the situation and the nature of his subordinates. This was a consideredphilosophy of leadership and command that set him apart from his contemporaries. Rokossovskiy?s style of leadership was intimately connected to his conduct ofoperations. As one of the Red Army?s finest commanders, respected by the Wehrmachtand the Red Army, Rokossovskiy?s operational art was dominated by the idea of depth. Rokossovskiy, the Pole, was the heir to a long Russian tradition, centuries old, of deepoperations, whereas Zhukov, the Russian, was committed to operational encirclementand annihilation, a Germanic concept. Marshal Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovskiy had a distinct military style of hisown: his style of leadership challenged the Red Army?s authoritarian culture whilst hisstyle of operations endorsed the historical traditions of the Russian army. It makes himone of the most significant military commanders of the twentieth century.” Descarga: EThOS

Teatro de operaciones

“Soldiers Into Nazis? The German Infantry's War in Northwest Russia, 1941-1944”
Rutherford, Jeff. The University of Texas at Austin (1974)
Descarga: http://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/handle/2152/9768

“Opportunity in Danger: Manstein's East Front Strategy from 19 Nov 1942 to 18 Mar 1943”
Bolstad, Steven B. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey (California, 1991)
Abstract: “In the 1990s the United States Armed Forces will be asked by its leaders to do more with less. This represents a significant turn from the policies of the last decade. During World War Two the German Army operated effectively under similar policy constraints. There are many lessons in strategic planning that can be learned from Field Marshal Erich von Manstein's operations during the Winter of 1942-43. He was able to grasp tremendous opportunity amid extreme strategic danger. He decisively changed the strategic situation on the Eastern Front over a four month period. This thesis addresses the following questions. What factors enabled him to operate so effectively? What hindered him? What decisions did he make, when and why? How might leaders today make similar decisions under similar circumstances and be as successful? The answers to these questions will be of great value to the United States Armed Forces as they restructure themselves for the 1990s.” Descarga: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA246388

“No Stalingrad on the Dnieper: The Korsun-Shevchenkovsky Operation January to February 1944”.
Nash, Douglas E. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (1995)
Abstract: “This study investigates the Korsun-Shevchenkovsky Operation of World War II, an attempt by the Red Army to conduct another encirclement on the scale of Stalingrad. Its outcome, and the lessons learned from it, mark this a significant development in the Soviet art of war. Conducted 24 January to 18 February 1944, Korsun bore witness to increasing Soviet operational proficiency alongside the beginnings of German disintegration. Before Korsun, the Germans had been able, with greatest effort, to maintain a coherent front line; after their desperate breakout from the pocket, their entire defensive effort in the East began to crumble. The Soviets assembled two army groups to carry out the operation, which relied on an unusual degree of operational deception, diversionary attacks, and deep operations by two tank armies. The Germans, wanting to avoid a repetition of the Stalingrad disaster, desperately tried to thwart the Soviets, hastily assembling a relief force of eight armored divisions to extricate the encircled forces. Despite Soviet numerical superiority, most of the Germans managed to break out, though losing all of their equipment in the process. It was to be the last successful large-scale relief operation mounted by the Germans on the Eastern Front. Present throughout this operation were elements of Soviet operational design which would become standard elements of nearly every subsequent operation. Although Korsun Operation was far from being perfectly executed, it served as a Si n ost of the increasing operational capabilities of the Red Army.”
Descarga: http://stinet.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc ... tTRDoc.pdf
Descarga de la traducción al castellano: http://www.delaguerra.net/index.php?opt ... &Itemid=53 (gracias, Audie Murphy :sgm120: )

“The Failure of German Logistics During the Ardennes Offensive of 1944”.
Kennedy, James L. Fort Leavenworth (2000).
Abstract: “This study investigates the role that logistics played in the failure of the German Offensive in the Ardennes in 1944. The thesis explains that despite the incredible buildup of forces and supplies, the inability of the German strategic and operational logistics systems to properly equip, fuel, arm, and move forces caused the failure of the Ardennes Offensive. The concept of this thesis starts with the overall strategic military and political situation of Germany in the fall of 1944 that Hitler used to base his decision to conduct the offensive in December 1944. The study then examines in detail the strategic capabilities during the buildup of supplies and the operational level organization and planning for the offensive. An analysis of the details on the impact of terrain, climate, allied air interdiction, and Operation Point Blank is included in this chapter. Then it examines the first weeks of the offensive and looks at the failure of the fuel and arm and move tactical logistics functions. An analysis of the impact of logistics on supporting operations is included in this chapter.” Descarga: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA384410..]

“Die Krim unter Deutscher Herrschaft 1941-1944. Germanisierungsutopie und Besatzungsrealität”. Kunz, Norbert. Universität von Mainz (2003) Descarga: http://www.gbv.de/dms/bs/toc/488014905.pdf

"Intelligence and command at the operational level of war : the British Eighth Army's experience during the Italian Campaign of the Second World War 1943-1945". Jones, Kevin Leslie. University of London (2005) Descarga: EThOS

"U.S. Failures in the Pearl Harbor Attack: Lessons for Intelligence"
Masahiko Kobayashi. Tufts University (2005)
Abstract: "In this thesis, I will examine the reasons why the United States failed to prevent the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, and will extract lessons from the failure. There were some problems of collection, analysis, and management in the U.S. intelligence. Each defect is not uniquely attributed to the U.S. intelligence per se but is inherent to a cognitive and behavioral limit of human beings. The lessons of Pearl Harbor are not omnipotent tools to prevent a surprise attack, yet they will make a significant contribution to breaking the constraint and will mitigate casualties by enemy’s attacks. This thesis recommends that intelligence officers should learn the historical lessons at heart to deal with a future contingency." Descarga: http://repository01.lib.tufts.edu:8080/ ... PDF/getPDF

"The Polish Home Army and the struggle for the Lublin region 1943-1945"
Blackwell, James William. University of Glasgow (2010)
Abstract: “Between 1939 and 1944 the underground forces of the Polish Government-in-Exile created an underground army in the Lublin region, which, at its height, numbered 60,000 men. The underground Army was created in order to facilitate the reestablishment of an independent Poland. The Army that was created, the AK, was in effect, an alliance organisation comprising, to varying degrees, members of all pro-independence underground groups. It was, in Lublin, to always suffer from internal stresses and strains, which were exaggerated by the actions of the region?s occupiers. These strains were highlighted and exploited by the ?liberating? Red Army. From the moment that they set foot in the province in July 1944, the forces of the Soviet Union aimed to put into place a Polish regime that was compliant and communist. The most interesting fact about the operation mounted by the AK to liberate Lublin province from the Germans, lies in the regional command?s reaction to both their orders and the demands made of them by the incoming Soviets. The regional commander?s decision in July 1944 to order his forces to hand in their weapons and disperse meant that the human stock of the underground would remain, that it would survive the first wave of NKVD arrests. This meant that, despite the massive setback of the post liberation era, a core, armed, and well structured underground still existed. What destroyed this attempt to preserve the AK in Lublin was the halting of the eastern front for five months. This meant that 2.2 million Soviets were operating in and around Lublin whilst the AK central command was fighting to liberate Warsaw. The halting of the front, therefore, was to hasten the fate of those in the underground, both in the capital and to the east. Ultimately it was the mass repression in the aftermath of the Warsaw Uprising that fatally weakened the Lublin underground as an organised, coherent entity. In many senses the crucial period for the AK in Lublin was the one from July until November 1944. The alliance of the underground in the area had been an often-difficult one but after months of silence from London, and the failure of the Warsaw Uprising and the Moscow talks, this alliance began to collapse. Whilst the framework of the underground had been almost destroyed by the winter of 1944-1945, crucially a framework of resistance had survived the NKVD?s concerted attempts to destroy it totally. The importance of this framework was clearly shown after the Red Army restarted its attack at the heart of the Third Reich in January 1945, removing the vast majority of troops from the region. The second underground was much more disjointed in its nature with weaker command structures. Yet because a framework was in place, because some respected officers and their men had survived the winter of 1944-45, the underground was to remain more organised in Lublin than in most other areas of Poland. Whilst the anti-communist underground was ultimately defeated, in Lublin it was to remain a sizeable threat to the communist regime until 1947.”
Descarga: EThOS

"Husband E. Kimmel and the Aftermath of Pearl Harbor"
Keegan, John G. Millersville University of Pennsylvania (2010)
Abstract: "This analysis places Admiral Husband E. Kimmel’s actions before December 7, 1941 and his actions in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor into historical context. Without the distortion of hindsight, his decisions based on available information and resources were reasonable. Kimmel’s only error in judgment was underestimating Japan’s capability to conduct carrier operations. That error was shared by others in the military, President Roosevelt, and Congress. Although Kimmel’s treatment in the immediate aftermath of Pearl Harbor was unfair, it was perfectly legal and Kimmel was not unjustly punished by being relieved of command. Additionally, the Hart Inquiry, Naval Court of Inquiry, Hewitt Inquiry and the Joint Congressional Committee Investigation to varying degrees corrected the injustice of the Roberts Commission charge of dereliction of duty. Ultimately, therefore, Kimmel was not denied due process. Nevertheless, the conclusions of all of the investigations lack the force of a court-martial verdict. By voluntarily waiving the statute of limitations, Kimmel gave away any leverage he had to force the government to try him under the statute. Thus he participated in denying himself such a verdict. It was not until August 1945 that the Judge Advocate General of the Navy Thomas Gatch concluded there was insufficient evidence to sustain a conviction on the charges of Neglect of Duty and Culpable Inefficiency in Performance of Duty. That same month, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal offered Kimmel trial by general court-martial. Kimmel never accepted. Thus, Kimmel chose not to be court-martialed. Examination of prevailing opinion and United States strategy reveals that the United States considered Germany a greater threat. Thus with the nation’s attention was focused on Europe the Pacific Fleet was denied the necessary men and materiel to carry out its mission. Recognizing that the Germany first strategy caused the shortages with which Kimmel had to contend in no way brings into question the wisdom of that strategy. It simply recognizes the cost of that choice. Prevailing opinion illustrates the American people’s reluctance fully to involve themselves in the war. It also revealed an overestimation of American military capability and a misunderstanding of the appropriate use of air power. Those factors were reflected in Congress’s failure to appropriate sufficient funds or provide, in a timely manner, the manpower necessary for the military to be sufficiently prepared at the beginning of the conflict. Setting aside the historiography that maintains the Japanese were willing and able to attack the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor and analyzing prevailing opinion about Japan’s abilities as well as United States strategy demonstrates Kimmel’s errors in judgment were not unique. They were shared by the civilian and military leadership. Additionally, Kimmel’s decisions before December 7, 1941 were reasonable and he did the best he could with the resources available to him. Kimmel was not derelict in the performance of his duty." Descarga: http://jgkeegan.com/pdf/Thesis021710.pdf

Fuerzas terrestres

"An Unspectacular' War. Reconstructing the history of the 2nd Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment during the Second World War"
Craggs, Tracy. University of Sheffield (2007) 
Abstract: “This thesis focuses on one battalion of infantrymen who trained for, and served during, the D-Day landings and north-west Europe campaign. Battalion histories in this detail are rare, as they usually form part of self-serving and uncritical histories produced by the parent regiment. This small unit acts as a microcosm of the' infantry of the line during the period, reflecting the typical high casualty rates and long periods on the front line. The existing sparse evidence about the 2nd Battalion was enhanced by interviews with veterans of the unit, which proved central to the study. Their memories revealed a wealth ofrich and previously unknown detail. Existing secondary literature is critical of the battalion's, and 3rd Division's, efforts on D-Day and the units of the 3rd Division were dubbed 'The Unspectaculars' in the press. These criticisms are challenged in the first three chapters of the thesis, which examine the level of training the infantrymen received; the battalion's performance on D-Day; and the progress ofthe battalion from D-Day onwards. The performance of the battalion is argued to have been solid yet unspectacular for much of the campaign. However in February 1945 came its spectacular moment, at the Battle of the Bridge. Chapters Four and Five address what life was like for the infantrymen ofthe battalion and assess what happened to these soldiers when they returned home, since for many, the war did not end when Germany surrendered. The thesis provides a social and cultural history of the 2nd Battalion, albeit within the military sphere. While individual memories remain an important source, the narrative of the battalion also' forms a group memory, particularly focusing on one outstanding officer, Major 'Banger' King. A group record is also apparent during commemorative events, in particular the 60th anniversary of D-Day, in June 2004.” Descarga: EThOS

Fuerzas aéreas

"The development of RAF coastal command trade defence strategy, policy and doctrine 1919-1945". Buckley, John Dale. University of Lancaster (1991) Descarga: EThOS

"Allied close air support 1943-1945". Gooderson, Ian Robert. University of London (1994) Descarga: EThOS

"The establishment and initial development of a British airborne force, June 1940-January 1942". Buckingham, William Frederick. University of Glasgow (2001) Descarga: EThOS

“The development of Britain's airborne forces during the Second World War”. Greenacre, John William. U. of Leeds (2008) Descarga: EThOS

"Making vision into power : Britain''s acquisition of the world''s first radar-based integrated air defence system 1935 - 1941"
Judkins, Phillip Edward. Cranfield University (2008)
Abstract: “This thesis represents the first application of a current conceptual model of defence acquisition to analyse the historical process, the 1935 - 1941 British acquisition of an integrated air defence system pivoted upon the innovative technology of radar. For successful acquisition of a military capability, the model posits that balanced attention must be focused acoss eight ''lines of developmen'' - not only equipment, but also doctrine and concepts, logistics, structures, personnel, organisation, training and information with an overarching requirement for interoperability. This thesis contrasts what turned out to be a successful acquisition, of radar to achive air interception capability by day in the Battle of Britain, with less successful acquisition, or radar to achieve the same capability at night, where an effective system arrived too late to ward off the Blitz. The results establish the validity of the model and its attendant lines of development concepts, and furnish new insights into acquisition processes and military history. Acquisition lessons are derived for the capability-based involvement of industry, for the experience and personality necessary for key managers at different ''life stages'' of an acquisition and for the avoidance of over-rapid ''dysfunctional diffusion'' of innovative technologies. Historical insights for the Battle of Britain include the sub-optimal performance, for trivial reasons, of key South Coast radars, and the critical importance of the human elements of the radar-based air defence system. For the Blitz, airborne radar hardware has previously been identified as a key problem, whereas research here exposes the greater need for accurate ground control radar, the sound selection and training of pilots and operators in new tactics, and provision of equipment maintainers and test gear. New evidence illustrates that pursuit of an alternative to radar significantly delayed the optimal solution, and throws fresh light both on personalities and on development process management.” Descarga: EThOS

Fuerzas navales

Tráfico marítimo en el Atlántico Norte durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial
Enrique García Melón, Universidad de La Laguna (1996)
Resumen: “Este trabajo trata del estudio del trafico marítimo en el Atlántico Norte. Su estructura se compone de los siguientes capítulos: el I, trata de las fuerzas de superficie, que tuvieron una escasa participación en la Batalla del Atlántico; el II, de las flotas submarinas: alemana, italiana, británica, etc., que participaron en la misma; el III, de los corsarios alemanes, buques "Q", aviación aliada y alemana, así como el factor humano en esta batalla; el IV, de las marinas mercantes del Eje y aliada, su contribución a la guerra, convoyes y buques de la libertad; el V, trata de las fases, armas y técnicas empleadas en la Batalla del Atlántico; el VI, de los ataques al tráfico mercante aliado, con fecha, hora, nombre, pabellón, situación, arma empleada, etc., en cada hundimiento o captura. Seguidamente, se pasa al capitulo de resultados y discusión, para el que se han confeccionado 94 tablas y 28 gráficas. Finaliza con las correspondientes conclusiones y bibliografia empleada.”

“Incidencia de las operaciones submarinas en el tráfico marítimo en los océanos Índico y Pacífico, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial”
Juan Antonio Irigoyen Jimenez, Universidad de La Laguna (1997)
Resumen: “En este estudio se tratan de analizar, en primer lugar, las causas que ocasionaron la entrada de Japón en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, así como el estado de su economía, marina mercante y fuerzas navales. También se detallan los buques participantes contra el tráfico mercante en los océanos Índico y Pacífico: flotas submarinas francesa, italiana, alemana y japonesa, por parte del eje, y holandesa, britanica y americana, por el bando aliado. Se destaca, asimismo, la problemática particular de la guerra submarina. a continuación, se relacionan cronológicamente, en capitulos independientes, los hundimientos de buques mercantes, tanto del Eje como aliados, en ambos teatros de operaciones, Índico y Pacífico, así como sus banderas y tonelajes, que se totalizan al final, por meses y años. Se completa el estudio con los relativamente escasos buques de guerra hundidos por los submarinos, durante estas campañas. Se completa el trabajo con 71 paginas de tablas y 12 de gráficas, lo que facilita la comprensión, permitiendo apreciar con mayor claridad las perdidas de buques mercantes en ambos escenarios.”

"Officer training and the quest for operational efficiency in the Royal Canadian Navy 1939-1945". Glover, William Reaveley. University of London (1998) Descarga: EThOS

“Incidencia de las operaciones submarinas en el tráfico marítimo en el Mediterráneo, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial”
Enrique Melón Rodríguez, Universidad de La Laguna (2000)
Resumen: “El teatro de operaciones del Mediterráneo, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, desde el punto de vista del tráfico marítimo, tuvo una especial relevancia y sus consecuencias alcanzaron a otros escenarios geográficos lejanos. Las características especiales de este mar, tanto desde el punto de vista físico como del geográfico, fueron de especial interés para la navegación de buques mercantes y para las unidades que los atacaron. El tráfico aliado se centró, especialmente, en las derrotas este-oeste, entre Alejandría-Malta-Gilbraltar, mientras que el del Eje, con el objetivo de mantener el esfuerzo bélico de las tropas italo-alemanas en el norte de África, discurrió en dirección norte-sur, entre Italia y Túnez-Libia. Ambos tráficos fueron tocados por submarinos enemigos, sufriendo una considerable cantidad de bajas, tanto en número de buques y tonelaje, como en hombres. Después de analizar las fuerzas de superficie y submarinas aliadas y del Eje, se estudian las marinas mercantes implicadas, así como las rutas y convoyes, con especial atención al "Pedestal". A continuación, ordenados cronológicamente, aparecen los mercantes aliados hundidos por submarinos alemanes e italianos, para seguir con los mercantes del Eje hundidos por submarinos británicos, holandeses y de otras banderas. Se dedican apartados específicos a los buques de guerra hundidos por los submarinos anteriores, así como un capítulo dedicado a los mercantes hundidos en el Atlántico Sur, escenario de poca relevancia en nuestro estudio. El trabajo termina con las conclusiones, precedidas de más de 150 tablas de resultados y 46 histogramas.” Libro relacionado: Buques mercantes aliados hundidos en el mediterraneo por submarinos del eje durante la II Guerra mundial

"Holding the line: The Royal Navy's Home Fleet in the second World War". Levy, James. University of Wales Swansea (2001) Descarga: EThOS

“The role of the Royal Navy in the amphibious assaults in the second World War” . Howcroft, Ivor. U. of Exeter (2002) Descarga: EThOS

"The British Anti-Shipping Campaign in the Mediterranean 1940-1944: Comparing Methods of Attack".
Hammond, Richard James. University of Exeter (2011)
Abstract: “From the Italian declaration of war on 10 June 1940 through to the end of December 1944, the British and their allies waged a major campaign against Axis shipping in the Mediterranean. Uniquely for the British, this campaign took the form of a combined arms offensive throughout its conduct, and utilized all four methods of attacking shipping; surface vessels, submarines, aircraft and mine warfare. This thesis approaches the campaign thematically, examining each of the four methods individually.The priority given to the campaign, the forces and equipment available throughout, the tactics used and their development, the successes achieved in numbers and tonnage of merchant vessels sunk and the losses in numbers and casualties are all considered for each method. By examining these factors and the relevant quantitative data, the efficacy of each form of attack is determined and a final comparison of the four different methods made. The thesis concludes that overall, torpedo aircraft were the most effective method due to their ratio of high success and low number of personnel casualties, despite considerable losses of aircraft. Submarines were also very successful but ultimately more costly. The thesis demonstrates that mine warfare might well have achieved significant results had a greater priority been placed on it and that surface vessels no longer retained the ability to operate successfully for sustained periods in an anti-shipping role unless in an area of aerial and naval superiority.” Descarga: EThOS

Publicado: Mié May 23, 2012 7:37 pm
por Grossman
Temas políticos, económicos y sociales

"British Foreign Policy Towards Greece During the Second World War 1940-1945". Papastratis, P. University of London (1978) Descarga: EThOS

“British antisemitism in the Second World War”. Kushner, Antony Robin Jeremy. University of Sheffield (1989) Descarga: EThOS

"Las relaciones hispano-argentinas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, 1939-1946. Identidad, ideologia y crisis"
M. Luisa Noemi Gonzalez De Oleaga, Universidad Complutense De Madrid (1990)
Resumen:”Las relaciones hispano-argentinas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial presentan un cuadro complejo de percepciones, imágenes e intenciones no resueltas que, a priori, pueden dificultar la comprensión de los objetivos que ambos países perseguían en su mutua vinculación. Para la España de Franco, su acción política y diplomática en Argentina estaba dirigida, en primer lugar, a la obtención del abastecimiento continuado de materias primas en la difícil coyuntura de la guerra; en segundo término, también pretendía acrecentar su supuesta influencia en el subcontinente y negociar a través de ella la inserción privilegiada del país en el sistema internacional. Sin embargo, la funcionalidad con la que fueron concebidas estas relaciones por los distintos gobiernos argentinos distaba mucho de ser lineal y estaba relacionada con la crisis abierta en la sociedad argentina de los años 40. La ruptura del modelo agro-exportador provocó la desintegración interna y la pérdida del referente internacional. Los acuerdos comerciales -incluido el capitulo de venta de armamento- se perfilaban como una alternativa coyuntural a la fractura del triangulo Inglaterra-Argentina-Estados Unidos. La adopción en la producción discursiva de los distintos gobiernos argentinos y su correlato en las fórmulas de ingenieria educativa de un elemento simbólico, la hispanidad, debía funcionar como marco regulador, excluyente, mediante el cual subsanar la descomposición de las formas de identidad -social y nacional- radicionales.” Google-Books: http://books.google.es/books/about/Las_ ... edir_esc=y

"Las relaciones bilaterales entre España y Gran Bretaña durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial"
Leonardo Caruana De Las Cagigas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1990)
Resumen: “Para Gran Bretaña el conflicto contra Alemania le obliga a ser extremadamente favorable y benévolo con el régimen español. Por parte española la crítica situación económica determina en gran medida su política. La victoria alemana en Francia anima a Franco a negociar la intervención española, pero no es bien acogido por Hitler y los dos dictadores no llegan a un acuerdo. Además. España sufre en agosto un embargo de petróleo llevado a cabo por el gobierno americano. La resistencia británica se afianza. La invasión de la Union Soviética por las tropas del Eje cambia la situación general, acentuándose aun más con la intervención americana. España empieza a tomar una postura más neutral. Cambia la actitud de la prensa. La falange no es tan contraria a los aliados. Retiran la Division Azul. Embargo español de wolframio a Alemania como respuesta al embargo americano a España. Al concluir la guerra, España mantiene el régimen, aunque sea considerado internacionalmente fascista. El Foreign Office intenta que cambie el régimen, pero sin éxito. Se produce el rechazo internacional del régimen de Franco.”

“Deuda, comercio y nuevo orden: España y Alemania durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945)”
Rafael García Pérez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1992)
Resumen:”El objeto de la investigación de la tesis son las relaciones económicas hispanoalemanas durante el período
mencionado, analizadas desde una perspectiva política y económica: 1) La estructura del sistema internacional vigente en Europa (el nuevo orden), determinando su estructura, funcionamiento y cometidos asignados a España desde 1936. 2) La política exterior española, entendida con prolongación de la política interior. 3) Análisis de la aportación española al esfuerzo de guerra alemán, precisando volumen de comercio y vinculación contractual establecida. 4) Reconstrucción pormenorizada de la deuda de guerra contraída por el gobierno franquista con Alemania por la ayuda prestada durante la guerra civil, y también, de los medios de pago empleados para su liquidación, desde el envío de la División Azul, al envío de trabajadores españoles a las fábricas alemanas de armamento. La investigación se ha realizado sobre una exhaustiva consulta de fuentes documentales alemanas y españolas.”

"La Santa Sede y las relaciones internacionales durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Pensamiento y acción del Papa Pio XII (1939-1945)"
Gemma Prieto Gutiérrez, Universidad: Complutense de Madrid (1993)
Resumen: “El objeto de esta tesis doctoral es exponer el pensamiento y la acción del Papa Pio XII durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en el marco más general del papel desempeñado por la Santa Sede en las relaciones internacionales en el periodo 1939-1945. Se estructura en cuatro capítulos. El primero es de carácter biográfico. El segundo expone las relaciones entre la Santa Sede y las potencias del Eje, con especial referencia a la polémica postura del Papa ante el nazismo. El tercero explica las relaciones con las democracias, en especial con Estados Unidos. El cuarto y último sistematiza la teoría de Pio XII sobre el derecho internacional y las relaciones internacionales.”

"Freemasonry in France during the Nazi occupation and its rehabilitation after the end of the Second World War". Doney, Keith. University of Aston in Birmingham (1993) Descarga: EThOS

"To return to Poland or not to return : the dilema facing the Polish Armed Forces at the end of the Second World War". Ostrowski, Mark. University of London (1996) Descarga: EThOS

“British policy towards Fascist Italy in the early stages of the Second World War”. Budden, Michael John.  U. of London (1999) Descarga: EThOS

"The foreign policy of the Chamberlain wartime administration, September 1939-May 1940"
Mee, Richard Charles. University of Birmingham (1999)
Abstract: “This thesis is a detailed analysis of British foreign policy between 3 September 1939 and 10 May 1940. It concentrates on policy towards the Far East, Italy, the Soviet Union, the Balkans, and Scandinavia. These areas represented the biggest challenges to British policy following the outbreak of war with Germany: Japan and Italy, whilst nominal allies of Germany, had opted to stay out of the war, the Soviet Union appeared to be acting in collaboration with Germany but was not at war with Britain, and the Balkans and Scandinavia were the most likely theatres of war if the conflict were to spread. Lack of resources dictated that British efforts be directed towards minimising military activity and containing the conflict, whilst putting economic pressure on Germany?s ability to fight. Potential allies of Germany had to be dissuaded from entering the war and prevented from helping Germany economically. Potential theatres of war had to be kept neutral unless or until an extension of hostilities would be in Britain?s interests. The contradictions and conflicts of interest created by these policies posed serious problems, and it is the British attempts to solve these problems which form the focus of this study.” Descarga: EThOS

“'The Holy Reich': Religious Dimensions of Nazi Ideology, 1919-1945”
Steigmann-Gall, Richard. University of Toronto (1999) Descarga: https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/handle/1807/12631

“Neutralidad sospechosa: España y la ayuda encubierta al Eje durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial”
Manuel Ros Agudo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2000)
Resumen: “Durante buena parte de la Segunda Guerra Mundial los aliados tuvieron fundadas sospechas de que el Régimen de Franco colabora en secreto con Alemania e Italia en muy distintos ámbitos, desde el abastecimiento de submarinos en España hasta el despliegue de un extenso servicio de información militar o la permisividad con el sabotaje germano-italiano en Gibraltar. Esta investigación pretende desvelar en qué consistió aquella ayuda/colaboración encubierta y cómo esta actitud favorable al eje respondía tanto a compromisos formales contraídos con Berlín y Roma durante la Guerra Civil como a la propia planificación militar española, que desde el otoño de 1939 situaba como enemigos potenciales a Francia y Gran Bretaña, y a Italia y Alemania como futuros aliados. En una segunda parte, se analiza el papel desempeñado por las aspiraciones territoriales españolas en el Norte de África en el estrechamiento de relaciones con el eje y en la eventual entrada de España en la guerra. Para ello se han consultado archivos oficiales españoles, como el de Asuntos Exteriores, los archivos militares de las tres armas, recientemente desclasificados, o el Archivo General de la Administración de Alcalá de Henares. La documentación alemana y norteamericana se ha consultado en los National Archives de Washington y la británica en el Public Record Office de Kew (Londres)”

"In Dubious Battle: Mussolini's Mentalité and Italian Foreign Policy, 1936-1939". Stranng. G. Bruce. Universidad MacMaster (2000) Descarga: http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp03/NQ66306.pdf

“La actividad propagandística de Walt Disney durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial”
Rodolfo Vidal González, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (2001)
Resumen: “La primera parte de la tesis es un análisis de tipo histórico acerca del papel de Walt Disney y su empresa durante la segunda Guerra Mundial. En ella se analiza la labor protagonista que realizó la labor propagandística que realizó en la Guerra, no sólo con peliculas, sino además, imaginarias militares con intención identificativa y política. Walt Disney en ese año se convierte en propagandista al servicio del Estado Mayor y el ejercito de los Estados Unidos, pero por otra prte, él mismo -- la producción de numerosos cortometrajes con carga educativa y propagandistica destinada a la población civil, el ejército aliado y cargos políticos y militares de los EE.UU. En la segunda parte, se hace un análisis del contenido del universo de peliculas de Disney, de 1936 a 1945, y el -- de a películas con alta carga persoasiva. Como conclusión, la tesis demuestra que Disney colaboró por la causa aliada y a favor de los ideales democráticos de su país, en la Guerra.”

"A reappraisal of the American eugenics movement, in the light of German eugenics (1918-1945)". Lelliott, Jonathan Andrew. University of London (2001) Descarga: EThOS

“Borges y el nazismo: Sur (1937-1946)”
Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones, Universidad de Granada (2003)
Resumen: ”La revista Sur constituyó un centro cultural de oposición a una élite germanófila que percibió el Tercer Reich como un modelo cultural y político para Argentina. Los tres números especiales que esta revista le dedicó a la Segunda Guerra Mundial crearon una línea editorial a la que Borges se sumó con varios artículos. A este escritor le preocupó el engranaje retórico-discursivo de un régimen maximalista y esencialista. Borges se opuso a la mística de la patria, a la consagración de unos valores como los "estrictamente argentinas" y a la aplicación de criterios étnicos por parte de las autoridades inmigratorias de su pais. Estos artículos tienen su colofón con el cuento "Deutsches Requiem", en el que se sientan las bases para una ética de la interpretación del Holocausto asentada en la no sacralización del mismo y en un esfuerzo continuado por entender sus claves históricas.” Libro: http://www.alibri.es/borges-y-el-nazism ... 946-258166

“Refugiados judíos alemanes en Uruguay 1933-1941”
Ana Silvia Facal Santiago, Universidad Santiago de Compostela (2003)
Resumen: “Entre los años 1933 y 1941, Uruguay se convirtió en el refugio de casi 6000 judíos alemanes. La mayoría de ellos procedían de las capas medias y medias altas de la sociedad de origen y al llegar al Uruguay, país, prácticamente desconocido para ellos, debieron enfrentarse al reto de la integración y al de la construcción de nuevas identidades. Por todo esto, el proceso migratorio vivido por estos refugiados resultó más traumático que para los inmigrantes "económicos", pues estos llegaron al país de forma, se podría decir, voluntaria. Para poder llevar adelante sus vidas, de las mejor manera posible, trataron de crear una vida comunitaria muy dinámica, a través de la cual se mantuvo viva la cultura alemana de los tiempos de la república de Weimar. A lo largo de esta tesis se trata, justamente el tema de la integración y los posteriores cambios de identidad sufridos por estos refugiados judíos alemanes del siglo XX.”

“Nazismo y resistencia en Austria. Oposición, disentimiento, consenso y policía política. Viena (1938-1942)”
Francisco Miguel De Toro Muñoz, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2005)
Resumen: “El objetivo principal de esta tesis es analizar la interacción entre la sociedad austriaca y el régimen nacionalsocialista, a partir del estudio del aparato de dominio, la represión y la resistencia que se produjo entre 1938 y 1942. Fenómenos como oposición, disentimiento, consenso y la relación de la población con un elemento como la Policía Política (Gestapo) nos permiten comprender mejor la aplicación del aparato represor nazi. En la primera parte de la tesis, a partir del análisis de las organizaciones de control y dominio nazis, el aparato represivo del Tercer Reich, podremos comprender mejor el control del régimen sobre la población. También podremos apreciar la evolución de la organización policial, señalando el proceso de rupturas y continuidades que se produjo entre la República de Weimar y el Nacionalsocialismo. Veremos cómo se estructuró el sistema de dominio y cómo fue necesaria la colaboración de otros órganos e instituciones del Estado, especialmente policiales, y la población. También nos permite establecer una estructura de los diversos tipos de comportamiento de oposición y resistencia que se dieron. Posteriormente pasamos al análisis de la implantación de la Policía Política nazi en Austria, después de la anexión de marzo de 1938, viendo las condiciones históricas previas y las bases legales y organizativas que permitieron la aparición y desarrollo de la Gestapo en Austria. Se investiga su organización y desarrollo, la composición de personal, el ámbito de competencias, las relaciones de mando, su estructura organizativa, etc. El apartado sobre el aparato represivo finaliza con un análisis del trabajo cotidiano de la Gestapo vienesa, a partir de los informes de la propia organización, examinando las diferentes variables que hacen referencia a los distintos grupos de detenidos (variable nacional, sexual, de edad, socio-profesional, etc.), para llegar a establecer un perfil de los grupos sociales que fueron más propensos a las diversas formas de oposición y a la represión. En la segunda parte de la tesis se analizan los diferentes aspectos del fenómeno de la oposición, resistencia y disentimiento, a partir de la reconstrucción de algunos ejemplos. Como ejemplo de "oposición política" se analiza el papel del movimiento obrero austriaco y el papel del Partido Comunista en la resistencia, buscando la evolución desde el final de la Primera República, hasta la llegada del Nacionalsocialismo a Austria. Para ejemplificar todo el proceso, se muestran las características de la resistencia comunista en una empresa, los ferrocarriles del Reich. El ejemplo de "oposición social" se centra en los delitos contra la "Comunidad Nacional", lo que algunos autores han llamado "resistencia individual", como las expresiones enemigas del Estado, los insultos al Führer o al Partido, los delitos radiofónicos, y la represión de los Testigos de Jehová. Los "delitos raciales" hacen referencia a aquellos comportamientos contra la Comunidad Nacional que, por sus características, tenían un componente racial muy acusado: homosexualidad, delincuencia habitual, relaciones prohibidas (tanto sociales como sexuales), delitos raciales, la persecución de los judíos, etc. Finalmente, la "oposición económica" busca, a partir del papel de los trabajadores extranjeros en la economía y la sociedad austriaca y de los delitos laborales en el contexto del trabajo diario de la Gestapo (el control y represión de la mano de obra extranjera), analizar la evolución del perfil de detenidos y de las tareas básicas de esa organización a lo largo del período.” Descarga: http://www.tdx.cat/handle/10803/4802

“El frente audiovisual. Un estudio narratológico del cine norteamericano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial”
Francisco Ponce Lang-Lenton, Universidad de La Laguna (2006) Resumen: “Estudio narratológico e histórico del cine norteamericano de la Senguda Guerra Mundial”

“La implicació de Hollywood en la Segona Guerra Mundial: el cas Why we fight"
Ramon Girona i Duran, Universitat de Girona (2006)
Resumen: “La tesi analitza set pel·lícules documentals de propoganda que sota el títol genèric de "Why We Fight" va produir el director Frank Capra per a l'exèrcit nord-americà, durant la Segona Guerra Mundial. La seva anàlisi permet d'establir quins són els trets ideològics bàsics dels Estats Units i fer un recorregut per la producció cinematogràfica nord-americana de finals dels anys 30 i principis del quaranta.” Descarga: http://www.tdx.cat/handle/10803/7844

"The Brazilian Participation in World War II"
Carlos José Russo Assumpcao Penteado. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (2006)
Abstract: “This thesis examines how Brazil participated in World War II shoulder to shoulder with the Allies and what this participation brought to the country. During the 1930s, when the relationship between Brazil and Germany was improving yearly, and when it was supposed Brazil would support Germany in case of war, Brazilian leaders could drive the country to support the Allies cause, mainly the United States of America, allowing this country to set aerial bases in Brazilian North East region, in order to facilitate a connection with North of Africa. Moreover, the option in sending a Brazilian Expeditionary Force (BEF) to fight for the Allied in Italy was one of the most important decisions in Brazilian history. It was the first time that Brazil would take part in a war away from South America. The BEF did its best to well represent Brazil, overcoming several difficulties since its preparation and eventually, showing the Brazilian soldiers could fight as equal as the best soldiers in that war. Brazilian participation is almost unknown by countries away from South America, even here in United States; however, this participation was responsible for several transformations in Brazilian's nation powers. After the war, Brazil became the most powerful and wealthy country in South America. And due to this participation, the country became a global actor. It could be demonstrated for the Brazilian support to the creation of the United Nations. The Brazilian participation in World War II, doubtless, was the engine that transforms the country economically, politically, and militarily.”
Descarga:http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/UN/Braz ... index.html

"La diplomacia británica y el primer franquismo. Las relaciones hispano-británicas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial"
Miguel Fernández-Longoria Muñoz-Seca, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (2008)
Resumen: “El gobierno británico articuló una política de apaciguamiento económico respecto al régimen de Franco durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Dicha política no consiguió atraer a España a su órbita, aunque contribuyó a su paulatino distanciamiento respecto al eje. La dependencia económica española no fue usada para reemplazar al régimen franquista cuando cambió el curso de la guerra a favor de los aliados. Consecuencia de la postura británica fue una cierta convivencia con el régimen de Franco, al percibir que éste era el mejor instrumento para garantizar el mantenimiento de la neutralidad española. Cuando desapareció la amenaza de una entrada española en la guerra, los británicos consideraron que era preferible mantener a Franco en el poder que su sustitución por un gobierno democrático, susceptible de caer bajo el control comunista. El dictador desaprovechó una magnífica ocasión de hacer valer su posición neutral para obtener ventajas de los intentos de acercamiento llevados a cabo por los aliados, aunque usó la benevolencia británica para afianzar su posición interna.” Descarga: http://e-spacio.uned.es/fez/eserv.php?p ... umento.pdf
Sobre esta tesis hay un hilo en el foro: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=14362

"German underground factories of the Second World War: an essential folly". Clemence, Paul Christopher. University of Exeter (2008) Descarga: EThOS

"The case against Albert Speer: the mendacity, evasion and deception in his explanation of his Nazi past to his family and history"
Holden, John Norman. University of Birmingham (2010)
Abstract: “Albert Speer, Hitler’s armaments minister, claimed before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg and in correspondence with his daughter Hilde, that whilst he was Hitler’s only friend: (a) he was apolitical, (b) had known nothing about the genocide of the Jews and Nazi atrocities, (c) in the final months of the war had risked telling Hitler that the war was lost, (d) sought to thwart Hitler’s Scorched Earth program, and, (e) planned to assassinate Hitler. In answer to Hilde’s question about his involvement with the Nazis “How can an intelligent person have any part in something like this?” Speer’s reply provided the framework for this thesis, and for the research process using the techniques of the Historical Method to examine and analyse primary documentary sources. The conclusions reached from this research are that: (a) Speer supported the politics and ideology of the Nazis, and (b) colluded in the genocide of the Jews and the perpetration of Nazi atrocities. As a part of his ‘exit’ strategy from the Nazi debacle, Speer: (c) exhorted Hitler to ‘fight on’, (d) used his attempt to thwart Hitler’s Scorched Earth programme to his own advantage, using it in his trial defence, and (e) used the assassination plot in his trial defence.” Descarga: EThOS

“La celebració mediàtica de la Victòria a la Rússia post-soviètica. Anàlisi transversal dels observables de l'hegemonia en la commemoració televisiva de la Victòria sobre l'Alemanya nazi”
Frederic Guerrero Solé, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2011)
Resumen: “La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu l’anàlisi de la commemoració televisiva de la Victòria sobre l’Alemanya nazi a la Rússia post-soviètica. En particular, l’anàlisi es centra en la retransmissió de la desfilada militar del 9 de maig a la Plaça Roja de Moscou, el gran media event de la Rússia de Putin i Medvédev, i segueix el cami encetat per Dayan i Katz en l’estudi dels grans esdeveniments mediàtics. Tal i com indica el subtítol de la tesi, aquesta anàlisi és transversal; a part de la retransmissió de l’acte central de la commemoració, també s’ocupa d’analitzar els discursos presidencials dels darrers onze anys (2000-2010), utilitzant la metodologia de la semiòtica narrativa, així com l’anàlisi de les programacions del dia 9 de maig entre 1964 i 2010 del principal canal de televisió rus, i de l’agenda temàtica dels noticiaris de les principals televisions del país del 19 d’abril al 16 de maig de 2010. L’objectiu final de la tesi és posar de manifest les diferents estratègies que fan de la commemoració de la Victòria un esdeveniment mediàtic hegemònic a la Rússia actual i com a través d’aquest esdeveniment es constitueixen les bases de la identitat de la Rússia post-soviètica que converteix els seus ciutadans en soldats de la memòria històrica de la Victòria.” Descarga: http://www.tdx.cat/handle/10803/51251

"The economics of neutrality: Spain, Sweden and Switzerland in the Second World War"
Golson, Eric. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (2011)
Abstract: “Neutrality has long been seen as impartiality in war (Grotius, 1925), and is codified as such in The Hague and Geneva Conventions. This dissertation empirically investigates the activities of three neutral states in the Second World War and determines, on a purely economic basis, these countries actually employed realist principles to ensure their survival. Neutrals maintain their independence by offering economic concessions to the belligerents to make up for their relative military weakness. Depending on their position, neutral countries can also extract concessions from the belligerents if their situation permits it.?? Despite their different starting places, governments and threats against them, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland provided similar types of political and economic concessions to the belligerents. This thesis comparatively investigates neutral trade, labour and capital. Using standardized trade statistics, this study shows that while all three neutrals were dependent on the Germans for most basic goods, they were generally able to benefit from relative gains in prices and excess imports of goods in periods of German weakness. In trade with the Allies, at least two of the three countries permitted the illicit export of items necessary for the Allied war effort, and did so at reduced relative prices.?? All three neutrals benefitted from substantial services revenue and positive balance of payments in all of their belligerent relationships. In several cases the neutrals were able to force the belligerents to cover their balance of payments deficits in gold because they needed to maintain access to the neutral markets. The final chapters demonstrate that despite political promises, the Spanish and Swiss governments constructed labour transfer systems to limit the number of workers for Germany.”  Descarga: EThOS

Re: Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Mié May 23, 2012 7:44 pm
por Grossman

“Ecrits des condamnés mort sous occupation allemande 1939-1945. Etude sociologique”
Borwicz, Michel, La Sorbona (1953)
Publicada con el título similar: "Ecrits des condamnés à mort sous l'occupation nazie, 1939-1945: étude sociologique" descrita de la siguiente forma en Amazon.fr: "Graffiti sur les murs de prison, dernières lettres des condamnés à mort, chroniques, poèmes rédigés dans les cachots, dans le ghetto, dans les camps de la mort. Réunions, spectacles clandestins, humour noir, écrits de combat. Ouvrages des enfants condamnés à mort. Messages aux survivants. Archives secrètes ensevelies dans les ruines du ghetto. Manuscrits cachés sous les crématoires d'Auschwitz.Michel Borwicz, chef du réseau clandestin dans un camp d'extermination et ancien commandant régional de la Résistance polonaise, analyse ces écrits et dégage leur signification qui révèle les sens d'une époque, tout en la dépassant." Fuente (provisional, hasta que resuelva la hipervinculación; ¡gracias , Audie Murphy, por avisar del fallo!):

Código: Seleccionar todo

“Die sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen als Opfer des nationalsozialistischen Vernichtungskrieges 1941 – 1945” Streit, Christian. Heidelberg (1977) Libro “Keine Kameraden. Die Wehrmacht und die sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen 1941 – 1945”

"Nuremberg and the Waffen-SS: an analysis of the charge of organizational criminality"
Wiggers, Richard D. University of Ottawa(1990)
Abstract: “This study will investigate each of the four major categories of conclusions arrived at by the Nuremberg Tribunal about the nature and activities of the Waffen-SS military organization and its war-time members, and analyse their accuracy based on the findings of subsequent historical research. It will also attempt to explain the political pressures in 1945-46 which caused the primarily military Waffen-SS to be tried and convicted as a criminal organization, and clarify what the rulings of the Nuremberg Tribunal actually said about members of organizations declared criminal by the latter. For the purposes of this study the Waffen-SS is being defined as consisting of all "armed" SS units except those belonging to the German police or performing largely police functions, and those assigned to the maintenance and guarding of concentration camps. The time-frame covered by this study will extend from September 1, 1939 to May 1945. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)” Descarga: http://www.ruor.uottawa.ca/en/bitstream ... sequence=1

“The politics of justice : Anglo-American war crimes policy during the Second World War”. Buckthorp, Kirsty-Ann. U. of Birmingham (1999) Descarga: EThOS

"Korean "comfort women" and military sexual slavery in World War II". Ahn, Yonson. University of Warwick (1999) Descarga: EThOS

“El testimonio literario de Max Aub sobre los campos de concentración en Francia (1940-1942)”
Eloísa Nos Aldás, Universitat Jaume I (2001)
Resumen: “Esta tesis doctoral profundiza en el testimonio literario escrito por Max Aub sobre su experiencia en los campos de concentración de Francia entre 1940 y 1942 como modelo de memoria de una experiencia histórica concreta de significación universal e intercultural plasmada a través de la literatura, y para ello acude a los planteamientos de la Literatura Comparada y la tradición de la literatura concentracionaria, pero en un marco particular como es el exilio republicano español como experiencia que se encuentra en la base de este testimonio. El énfasis de su metodología es en la escritura, yendo de la experiencia a su configuración, explorando las estrategias discursivas de la ficción movilizadas por esta literatura. Parte de su carácter testimonial como narración de unos hechos reales vividos por el propio sujeto-histórico que los relata. Por esta razón, esta aproximación desborda los límites de un estudio literario en sentido estricto, al reconocer las implicaciones sociales y morales de una literatura que presenta acontecimientos históricos con una marcada carga ética, por caracterizarlos la injusticia y la violencia. Las aportaciones de este estudio son tanto a la biografía de Max Aub como a su obra. La experiencia de Max Aub en Francia es el único periodo de su vida que aún tiene puntos por concretar y ampliar, y nos consta que de hecho es el objeto de estudio de diferentes investigadores en un esfuerzo colectivo por desvelarlo. Aunque este no sea el objeto de un estudio de orientación literaria, aporta algunas conclusiones y orientaciones para la puntualización de algunas fechas erróneas en la literatura existente gracias a la consulta directa y contrastada de los apuntes originales del autor y las primeras copias mecanografiadas de sus diarios completos. Asimismo, desvela nuevos datos sobre la experiencia de Aub en los campos con el descubrimiento de diferentes textos sin intenciones literarias escritos por el autor al llegar a México, algunos para sus intervenciones en diferentes actos contra el terror nazifascista. En segundo lugar, recupera algunos testimonios literarios sobre los campos de concentración que permanecían inéditos entre los manuscritos del "Archivo Max" Aub de la Biblioteca Cosío Villegas del Colegio de México, en México DF, como es el caso de "La guerra es lo mejor", "Realidad del sueño", y "Entremés de Djelfa", y otros aparecidos en publicaciones periódicas pero desconocidos para la crítica hasta hoy. Otra de las aportaciones fundamentales ha sido la comparación con testimonios interculturales.” Descarga: http://www.tdx.cat/handle/10803/10448

“Ideologie und Militärisches Kalkül. Die Besatzungspolitik der Wehrmacht in der Sowjetunion 1942”. Oldenburg, Martin. Universität von Hamburg (2002) Libro: http://www.amazon.de/Ideologie-militäri ... 3412145033

"El testimonio audiovisual y la construcción de la memoria colectiva: la representación del Holocausto según el proyecto Survivors of the Shoah Visual History"
Alejandro Baer Mieses, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2003)
Resumen: “La tesis aborda el problema de la representación de la memoria colectiva a través de métodos biográfico-visuales. Esto comprende las técnicas de investigación (la historia oral videogradada) y el empleo de los materiales resultantes (los testimonios audivosisuales) en documentales históricos. La investigación se sustenta empíricamente sobre el estudio en profundidad de la Fundación Survivors of the Shoah Visual History, el proyecto creado por el cineasta Steven Spielberg con el objetivo de recoger en vídeo testimonios de supervivientes del Holocausto en todo el mundo mediante técnicas de historia oral y que hasta la fecha ha grabado más de 51.000 entrevistas. Mediante una aproximación reflexiva a las propias metodologías de representación del proyecto se han explorado los distintos factores (socio-culturales, institucionales, discursivos) que intervienen en la producción de los testimonios audiovisuales. Asimismo, se ha explicitado su naturaleza espistemológica como forma de producción de conocimiento y determinado los sentidos y valores que le son atribuidas a las prácticas de producción, archivo y difusión mediática de testimonios audiovisiuales en la cultura contemporánea.”

"Second World War Japanese atrocities and British minor war crimes trials : the issue of fair trial in four selected British minor war crimes trials in Malaya and Singapore in 1946-1947". Narayanan, Arujunan. University of Wales, Aberystwyth (2003) Descarga: EThOS

"La memoria del dolor: testimonios de mujeres sobre el Holocausto"
Camila Loew, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2004)
Resumen: “Esta tesis doctoral es una interpretación teórica y crítica de los textos testimoniales en torno al Holocausto de cuatro autoras que, de distintas maneras, fueron testigos de la experiencia traumática de los campos de concentración nazi: las francesas Charlotte Delbo y Marguerite Duras, y las alemanas Margarete Buber-Neumann y Ruth Klüger La tesis pretende inscribirse en tanto aportación a una sección particular emergente de los estudios sobre el Holocausto (a saber: el campo de estudios sobre las mujeres y el Holocausto, en el que se adopta una perspectiva genérica hacia la comprensión del evento y su representación), y al mismo tiempo una aportación al estudio más general de la literatura en torno al Holocausto, intentando mostrar y suplir una carencia que hasta el momento se encuentra en la recepción y el análisis de dichos textos. El corpus de testimonios ha sido seleccionado sin la intención de ser un relevamiento de datos filológicos, sino con un objetivo teórico y crítico; es decir, cada autora ha sido elegida en función de un problema concreto desarrollado en su escritura. De esta manera, la tesis examina problemas teóricos como las paradojas y dificultades determinadas por las condiciones de producción del género testimonial, particularmente en relación con las lecturas actuales del Holocausto; la posibilidad de analizar esa representación en clave de género; la representación del dolor como sistema simbólico que se origina a partir de una experiencia propia, sistema en el cual ocupa un lugar primordial la representación de una materialidad corporal de esa experiencia; la transformación del espacio que ocupa la víctima como objeto en una voz de un sujeto-testigo con agencia propia; la condición del testimonio como género híbrido, a caballo entre la no ficción y la creación literaria, entre la veracidad factual histórica y la elaboración subjetiva. La tesis intenta remarcar el hecho de que alg” (sic)

“Victims, Heroes, Survivors, Sexual Violence on the Eastern Front during World War II” Gertjejanssen, Wendy Jo. University of Minnesota (2004)
Abstract: http://www.nostalgictreasures.com/World ... ivors.html Descarga. http://es.scribd.com/doc/89860120/Victi ... rld-War-II

"Revisiting the 'Nuremberg legacy' : societal transformation and the strategic success of international war crime tribunals : lessons from the Tokyo trial and Japanese experience". Futamura, Madoka. University of London (2006) Descarga: EThOS

"The emergence of incitement to genocide within the Nuremberg trial process : the case of Julius Streicher". Eastwood, Maggi. University of Central Lancashire (2006) Descarga: EThOS

"A Sociological and Criminological Approach to Understanding Evil. A Case Study of Waffen-SS Actions on the Eastern Front during World War II, 1941-1945"
Goldsworthy, Terry. Bond University (2006)
Abstract: “This thesis is an exploration of the concept of evil. It attempts to define what we mean by this elusive concept and its relevance to human behaviour. The thesis then develops an operational definition of evil that is distilled from the writings of various social scientists. The thesis argues, however, that in addition to merely defining evil, there are three emotive elements that also go towards our preparedness to label an act as evil. The thesis then examines the causes of evil acts. The thesis argues that the interactive causation, of situation and disposition, is the most robust explanation of evil acts. The thesis rejects the notion of the evil person, instead arguing that it is ordinary people who commit evil acts. The thesis then examines the causes of genocide, the most evil of acts, and links this back to the previous discussion of causal factors of evil acts. Germany’s war against the Soviet Union in World War II, in particular the role of the Waffen-SS is then discussed. The death and destruction during this conflict would result not just from military operations, but also from the systematic killing and abuse that the Waffen-SS directed against Jews, Communists and ordinary citizens. The thesis then utilises the case study of the Waffen-SS to highlight the application of the interactive causation explanation in regards to evil acts. The conventional wisdom that the Waffen-SS in WWII fought a relatively clean fight, unsullied by the atrocities committed by the Nazis, is challenged—and largely demolished. Focusing on the Eastern Front, the thesis contends that the Nazi vision of a racial-ideological death struggle against Slavic hordes and their Jewish-Bolshevik commissars resonated with soldiers of the Waffen-SS, steeped in traditional anti-Semitic and racist dogmas. In doing so the thesis clearly shows that the Waffen-SS was an organisation that committed widespread atrocities. The thesis then applies the operational definition of evil to the case study and determines that the acts committed by the Waffen-SS were in fact evil. It also contends that the concept of evil is useful in explaining human atrocity. In conducting this examination the thesis provides some insight into the challenges facing society from preventing future broad-scale acts of evil.” Descarga: http://epublications.bond.edu.au/theses/6/

"War crimes trials between occupation and integration : the prosecution of Nazi war criminals in the British zone of Germany". Sharman, Claire Louise. University of Southampton (2007) Descarga: EThOS

“Sowjetische Roma unter Stalin und Hitler” Holler, Martin. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2010)

Re: Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Mié May 23, 2012 7:50 pm
por Grossman
Pues hasta aquí lo que he encontrado. Mi enhorabuena a todos estos doctores y saludos cordiales
      • :sgm104: :sgm104: :sgm104: :sgm104: :sgm104: :sgm104: :sgm104:

Re: Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Mié May 23, 2012 11:05 pm
por Eckart
Gracias, amigo. Muy buena idea.

Un abrazo.

Re: Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Mié May 23, 2012 11:31 pm
por Eriol
Eckart escribió:Gracias, amigo. Muy buena idea.

Un abrazo.
Una idea genial.No todo va a ser libros ya publicados.Aqui podemos encontrar una mina de informacion.Espero pillar el de la guerra en el pacifico e indico.

Saludos y enhorabuena por la idea Grossman

Re: Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Jue May 24, 2012 1:08 am
por Antonio Machado
Hola estimados amigos foristas:

Lo tengo dicho: Grossman es uno de los "pesos pesados" de este excelente Foro: qué magnífica idea, qué gran aporte, muchas gracias por compartir !

Saludos cordiales desde Nueva York,

Antonio Machado.

Re: Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Jue May 24, 2012 2:28 pm
por Grossman

Me alegro que interese, y gracias por esas palabras :-D

Para conseguir los textos completos de los títulos donde no figura el enlace de descarga, puede revisarse TDR por si se me hubiera pasado. El problema es que estan solo una parte de los trabajos. Lo segundo es consultar en el buscador, por el título o por el nombre del autor, porque este puede haber modificado el título para publicarla como artículos y libros. Lo tercero es dirigirse al autor, que se puede localizar por el buscador o en las redes sociales. Una alternativa es acudir a una biblioteca adscrita al préstamo interbibliotecario, para que la solicite al departamento en que se presentó la tesis. Para ello es requisito que el autor haya autorizado su préstamo, y para saber de qué departamento se trata, sale cuando se introduce el título en el buscador de la base de datos. Lo que ignoro es si es posible para el público consultar una tesis dirigiéndose personalmente al departamento, por ejemplo para alguien que vive en la misma ciudad.


Re: Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Jue May 24, 2012 9:37 pm
por David L
Gracias Grossmann por ofrecernos estos enlaces :sgm120: :sgm120: :sgm120: :sgm120: :sgm120:

Un saludo.

Re: Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Jue May 24, 2012 11:42 pm
por Rorrete
Excelente idea, Grossman.

Algunas publicaciones que citas se pueden encontrar en publicaciones oficiales -por ejemplo la primera tesis está publicada por Defensa, y a un precio ridículo http://www.portalcultura.mde.es/publica ... _0074.html - aunque me imagino que no serán muchas. Quizá también haya alguna publicada en la Revista de Historia Militar http://www.portalcultura.mde.es/publica ... index.html , aunque esta revista sólo publica temas que afecten directa o indirectamente a España, así pues el campo estará muy limitado,


Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Vie May 25, 2012 9:29 am
por Monterdez
¿Pero dónde está " Fuerzas navales: “Tráfico marítimo en el Atlántico Norte durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial”
Enrique García Melón, Enrique, Universidad de La Laguna (1996)"!

Muchas gracias Grossman.

Re: Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Vie May 25, 2012 2:09 pm
por Grossman

Gracias, Rorrete, enlace incorporado a “El ejército francés ...” :sgm120:

Antonio2009, esa no es descargable ni el autor la tiene publicada, pero se puede localizar a este por facebook, como he comprobado, y hay otras vías para conseguirla, que es lo que trataba de explicar en el post del día 24. Aunque muchos pensemos que el conocimiento está para compartirlo, y más si es de la calidad de una tesis doctoral, no hay que perder de vista que no tiene obligación el autor de proporcionárnosla.

Sobre lo que es una tesis doctoral y la calidad de las mismas. Es un trabajo de investigación, inédito, mediante el que un licenciado universitario demuestra que tiene un nivel elevado de competencia como investigador. El candidato debe defender ese trabajo públicamente ante un tribunal, y si aprueba adquiere el grado de doctor, que constituirá un mérito de gran valor en su currículum y es requisito para acceder a la docencia universitaria. Después puede ocurrir que los volúmenes queden olvidados en las estanterías del departamento, del autor y de familiares, o por el contrario, que tras algunos recortes para no resultar pesado, se conviertan en un libro o capítulo, donde puede a veces cambiar el título, o en un artículo, o en múltiples. Componen los tribunales de tesis figuras del mundo académico, profesores y catedráticos, que reciben los volúmenes antes para estudiarlos, y plantean al candidato objeciones y preguntas, y este debe estar en condiciones, como en un juicio, de probar y argumentar lo que afirma.

Aunque ese escrutinio al que se somete el trabajo puede constituir teóricamente una garantía de rigor, en la práctica, en humanísticas al menos como es el caso de los de historia, este suele limitarse a la verificación de un correcto empleo del método científico. Lo que no hace el tribunal (aunque en teoría puede) es comprobar todos los documentos en los que se sostiene la hipótesis, o en el caso del examen estadístico, repetir una por una todas las pruebas, por lo que, si el candidato es deshonesto, puede colar, y es porque la finalidad primera de las tesis es demostrar competencia, no aportar conocimientos. Desconozco como está la cosa ahora, pero hasta hace pocos años, los tribunales de tesis no eran del todo asépticos porque era el departamento universitario al que estaba adscrito el candidato el que escogía los nombres del tribunal, por lo que había una afinidad que por ejemplo un tribunal de justicia no tiene (no debería tener). Sin embargo, como un trabajo malo podía comprometer el crédito del departamento y del tribunal, en estos casos no se les daba vía y se señalaba al candidato que lo corrigiera antes de presentarla o simplemente no le dejaban hacerlo. A pesar de estas limitaciones, si lo comparamos con la edición de un libro, por ejemplo sobre la SGM, hay que recordar que ahí el único control sobre el texto lo tiene un consejo editorial que no compromete un prestigio académico aunque sí el de su marca.

Saludos a todos

Re: Tesis doctorales

Publicado: Vie May 25, 2012 5:22 pm
por Monterdez
Muchas gracias.